Since boxing up all my stuff and sending it back to Ireland almost three weeks ago, my gaming has been restricted to Minecraft, Starcraft 2, Blast Billiards and that trebuchet flash game that is kind of like Angry Birds. Crush the Castle or something. Not arsed googling.
As it happens I needn't have bothered sending my consoles away because the whole Dubai trip is out the window. Well, for me anyway. My darling girlfriend of seven years is still jetting out in August, but due to an amazing career opportunity that fell my direction at the 11th hour, I'm sticking around. A spanner in the works for sure, but a gold plated spanner encrusted in precious stones that can travel back in time and revive the dead. I'm very much looking forward to spilling the beans about this new job in the coming weeks. It's pretty awesome.
So while I flat hunt and learn how to wash my own clothes, I'd love to know what you guys have been up to this summer? What have you been playing? Any nice holidays?
I've been playing quite a bit of Minecraft....
Also, at nighttime.