This year just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
And by weird I mean awesome. Naturally. That's why I dont write stuff on this site. Because I'm always substituting suitable words for ones that don't make any sense. Honestly, listen to one of the scripts for Escape from Mount Stupid sometimes. It frequently makes no sense at all.
So the show previously known as Bluffer's Guide, now known as Escape From Mount Stupid has been doing pretty well. People have been watching it a bunch and apparently I'm not that hate-able. I think it's the accent. Hooreckonray!
As such we're taking a break and piling a bunch of effort into launching Season 2 with a bang. Johnny is now helping me behind the scenes (and hopefully in front at some stage) and we're currently scripting the first six episodes of the second season. The first episode will be live on March 19th, and it's going to be a big one. Trust me.
But even more exciting is the news that I'm flying out to PAX East in Boston in little over a month to not only attend one of the best game community expos in the known universe, but also to host a panel / live show over the course of the weekend.
Crazy right? Yea I'm not sure I believe it either.
I'm still trying to work out exactly how I'm going to do it without looking like a complete tool, but I reckon it's going to be like a live version of the show, talking about how we produce video at GameSpot and the skills required to be a video journalist. Q&A all that jazz.
I'll be up on Friday, April 6th at 5:30pm in the Arachnid theatre at the expo.
That's all for now. If you're going to be around let me know, and if you end up being one of the handful of people who actually turn up, know that I will love you forever.
Can't wait if I'm honest. Exciting few months ahead. And by exciting I mean weird. Naturally.
And to finish, here's a picture of me not playing a video game.