...hmmm..pets and animals? yea that'll do...
Hi yea, so. The site myself and my friend Denis set up last year was fairly successful, we landed 35,000 unique visitors since January 1st, were mentioned several times on Kotaku, Steam, N4D and hundreds of other sites, and had a great time reporting from Leipzig and Blizzards Invitational. But we've learned a lot, but to cut to the point, a reboot is in order.
Before moving to London i spent a few weeks programming and designing the new site, and organising a change of focus. Im aiming high with CitizenGame v2, very high. High enough that Its probably not right to post it on Gamespot, but in honesty this is where many of the CG contributors came from, so it makes sence to go fishing here before anywhere else.
To cut to the chase if you're interested on colaborating with the launch of the UK's most exciting video games website, reply here or email me at dannyodwyer@gmail.com - Areas needed include:
- Writers
- Reviewers
- Video Presenters
- Tech (audio / video)
- Web (programmers / graphics)
Please have some version of your work available to see/read and its a big advantage if your based in London.
If your driven, passionate about games and willing to put in the work, get in contact.
I have a vision of whats missing in the games press, and what can be done to unite the core and casual into 1 portal. Managing the PR influence thats polluting the mainstream games press, getting out of the boardrooms and into the sitting rooms. More importantly, im no longer stuck in Ireland on my own trying to do it. This is no pipe dream, I have the ability and drive to get this done, I just need a strong team of people to help me pull it off.
If you can help, get in contact.
Im off to play more Burnout :)