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MCM: Games of Show

This past weekend I was part of the Gamespot crew at the London Comicon known as MCM Expo. We had a stage show with a bunch of games, and here are my favourites. Simple eh?

1) Trials Evolution:
Remember how insanely addicted everybody got to Trials HD a few years back. Well expect it happen again, except much harder come the release of this bad boy. Not only are the levels now spread across gorgeous outdoor arena's, floating sky tracks and even vast planes of water - but they're also no longer on a straight horizontal plane. Levels curve to the left and right, with a locked camera swinging around to cover the action. It's also got a hilarious 2-4 player multiplayer racing mode which had the croud cheering like a pack of crazy convention antendees. Which they were.

2) Street Fighter X Tekken
I don't play Tekken, and though I own SF4 I guess I don't really "play" it that much either. But there's something about SFXT that really appeals to me. Maybe it's because for once I was surrounded by people who could answer my n00bish questions, but I feel like I really connected with how that game operates. I think it may be time I invested in a fight stick too. We had an amazing stage tournament with an incredibly excitable croud. It helped that the animation and visual effects were so hypnotic.

3) Saints Row The Third
Sometimes it looks like all the craziness of SRTT is going to make it come apart at the seems, but it just about manges to get away with it. It was certainly made the croud laugh a lot. Great sence of fun.

4) Asura's Wrath
I never play these types of games but A DUDE GETS STABBED THROUGH THE BLOODY PLANET!!!!!!! Game is nuts. Want!

Currently Playing:
- Battlefield 3
- Arkham City
- Gears of War 3

Currently Working on:
- Call of Duty Bluffer's Guide
- Elder Scrolls Bluffer's Guide


A 10 year old dressed as NYAN Cat. MCM Expo Yo!