I've been neglecting my blog here for a while, spending most of my time developing content for my own site. Howver I hit 100,000 page views today so I wanted to do somthing just for here. I've been recording loads of game features for my sites upcoming monthly show, and so I took the equipment and recorded this little walkthrough of the awesome Red Faction Guerilla BETA demo. This is available for preorder folks in the US, but totally open to anybody on European gamers who register on THQ's website and here. Both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are available but you can only opt in for one. I got a key for the demo beta last weekend, and have been enjoying it since.
I narrate the demo for the full 12mins so check it out if your enjoying a lazy Tuesday like I am. It would be in HD, but we still cant post HD uservideos on Gamespot, so just squint a bit :P
For those who missed it, yeterdays blogpost is here for your time wasting pleasure.
Currently Playing:
And Yet It Moves
Resident Evil 5
Currently Listening:
Static-X - Cult of Static
Santogold - Santogold