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Whats Danny Doing #1

Hello and welcome to my new blog thing where I post links to stuff I've been doing. Cool eh? Well probably not, but I hate people thinking I'm being lazy. Over the past few weeks I've been populating Gamespot and my own site with videos, reviews and undefinables, so here are a choice selection of content I've produced this month across the internets!

Interviewing Jospeh BarronCanabalt Review: (Gamespot User Review)
Cheap & Cheerfull iPhone Game

EDGE Review: (Cant Find it on Gamespots Database)
Great Little iPhone game.

GTA4: Ballad of Gay Tony Playtests (Video)
- Multiplayer Playtest
- Singleplayer Playtest

Operation Flashpoint Playtest (Video)
- Part #1
- Part #2

Newspaper Advertisment (The Times)
My first mass-media graphic design is going in the Times on November 14th.

Trailer Watch (only the best and worse make it)
- Jailbait Hero

Citizen Soapbox (our weekly user discussion groups)
- Mobile-Phone Games
- Spooky Games

Citizen Gamecast (Eurogamer Episode)
With brand new music, and in keeping with CG on-location podcasts, we were pretty hammered.

We also covered the Golden Joystick Awards and the Eurogamer Expo in central London last weekend (thats me interviewing Gamespotter Joseph Barron). Expect video for that in 'Whats Danny Doing #2".

In terms of games I've been playing the awesome Brutal Legend, Fifa 10, Operation Flashpoint 2, some great iPhone and Indy games (pick up Osmos on Steam if you have a few quid lying around).

Hope you guys are all keeping well in the run up to Jesus Day. What have you guys been up to? What you been playing?