What are the pros and cons of buying a monitor for use with my Xbox 360? It is around 200 bucks cheaper to buy a monitor instead and i can get ahold of the cords i need to hook it up. Any reason not to do this? Also i hear they are faster response time. I am looking at this >>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001263
i had these headphones but they broke.... Anywho, they will work with your xbox 360. Beware, they kind of hurt my ears after like an hour or so. They also are not wireless which really got annoying. The headset feature is also weird because it is just a mic. You have to set the voices to come through your tv so you can hear people talk. I would not get them again, but they do have good sound. Just lots of small annoying things for the $100 tag.
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