@Latebloomer9 then tell me one thing. are the games now better then they where back then? and i dont mean techincal wise but as game it self. agreed there are verry good games now days like dark souls and red dead redemption. but there are to few to uphold the high prices and bulls**t around it. i agree with Hells_rebelion, its a good time to lay down my game controler and start doing somting els.
@houshidar you are absolutly right! Games are mine hobby as well and i think ea and followers can suck it! I can tell you all now i am not buying the next gen consoles. I rather play on my old consloles and have fun then buy a over priced, half baked, hypte up sequal of last year. i hope more people will realize this and force the game industry to stop there f**k-up way.
stop the multi-player nonsense! like Syph 26 said GoW is a single player adventure. use the space on the disc for nice bonus items. or maybe a online leaderboard. ever since COD made a great multi-player every single game seems to need one and 99% aren't good at all! so please i am begging you just concentrate on making another "ripping a cyclops eye out smashing skulls and beating your enemies to a pulp" God of War game and don't waste time money and resources on a multi-player that "i think" most of the fans of the series wont even play
i think that the gaming industry better listen to their clients! and maybe used games are good for them. like a lot of people are saying games aren't as good as they promise. so maybe they should start make games better and more fun to replay and i think that people will then buy games at full prise because its actually worth it. but its just one opinion of a simple gamer.
@wadejenkins there is no need to apologize like you sad i am a grown man. and its my point exactly it happen all the time. and people don`t seem to mind that its there all the time. the phrase sex sells is true but what people are forgetting that its also private and mend for other things then commercial product. and oke i have to agree with you i don`t have the right to alter other peoples lifestyles but the same is true for them. i think it can be more discrete and the same goes for violence. i don`t care that is there but can it be a bit less in your face. and yeah friendship sounds good to me.
@wadejenkins fist of all, there is no need to be rude like that. i simply stated that i think sex is special. and that there is no need to exploit the fact that there are people that see the need (like you) to use sex as tool and see nothing wrong with. the fact that its being used to sell games and movies better proves to me that there is nothing better there. like i said there is sex and there is sex in a game, i think the balance is lost. If you disagree you may do so but don`t be rude to people. it just underlines the fact that more and more people have lost their moral code. that's my opinion at least...
oke i try to explain it one more time. there is sex and sex in games. trust me i like to see hot dressed women in a game. but i don`t have to see all of her naked. same goes for violence. i love mortal kombat and so i love to pump somebody full of lead. but i don`t have to see the cruelty of some guy that is torn limb from limb. there is a fine line but it is lost during the course of time. i still love games and i will keep playing them but i wish that the balance can be found again.
@wadejenkins growing-up has nothing to do with having to see t*ts and k*ks whenever you are playing a game that is not as sweet and innocent as mario. the point is that (and i agree with Kratos_kills again) violence is something you don`t do as a normal person. in games you can beat the the living daylight out of someone and not hav to harm another living being. sex on the other hand is something special it make the world go round. without it no one wood have lived. and putting it on public display is a insult. i agree that love and sexual tension can make a story but making it porn does not add anything.
dante-1776's comments