For the past two days I am playing The Witcher. And I like what I am playing. So at this point, I have not tried to play Titan Quest, just because it is not interesting any more. But back to The Witcher. In this game, there is a very interesting collectable thing. You can collect card of naked women. To gain such a card, you must have sex with that woman, who is on the card. You can have sex only with specific women, not including whores. And here I understood one thing. I am trying to get all the cards. At one point in the game I understood that missed one young woman. But I was about two or three hours in the game after the moment I could have slept with her. So I understood that I have missed my chance. Because of that, I have loaded my saved game to the point, where I have not missed my opportunity to get this card. And now I am getting back all the progress, which I have already made.
And here I have made a conclusion. And I already knew this conclusion, but never had experienced it fully. In video games, people try to be something or someone, which they never will be or never wanted to be in real life. And I am proof to that. In life, I am a romantic and I doubt that I will ever have sex with all these women at my own free will. I will just try to have one partner at sex. But in The Witcher I am a guy, who is sleeping with all the women he possible can. So in real life I am one, but in this game, I am another.
So I ask a question to every reader, who will read this (but I doubt that there will be many). In non-linear games, what kind of a character you like to play? And what kind of a person you are in real life?