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danthegamer32 Blog

Quick question

Well, I was feeling in the creative mood again so I was thinking, do you guys want to see another Chronicles of Theo chapter (finale perhaps?) or shall I do something totally different based on something else?

Hello... I think i have some explaining to do...

As people may (stress on the 'may' part) have noticed, I have been next to completely absent from GS recently. This is because of 2 main reasons.

Reason 1) I have been avoiding gaming sites to prevent me getting too hyped for Modern Warfare 2, which you can't seem to avoid on any website

Reason 2) My PC is currently so slow, it literally takes 15 minutes to boot up, so that's kind of put me off going onto my PC, let alone the internet, for quite a while! I will be buying myself a nice new laptop soon though (which actually has better specs than my PC lmao) so fingers crossed that works out.

Right, this was just a quick update, as I now have to head off, I have a busy day tomorrow including going to the midnight launch of Modern Warfare 2 complete with an all- nighter of pure gaming xD

see you later!


Dasty ;)

Why is Link beating Gordon Freeman?!?!

Gordon is much more of a hero in my opinion, he's smarter and has more personality than Link could dream of, plus Link is in the same story over and over again...

I urge everyone who reads this to vote for the Free Man in the All Time Greatest Hero Bracket :D

I thought it was a happy place!!

Tonight, i found out the reason why I hate the PS3's Call of Duty online community; they're tw*ts. It seems everyone with a mic just wants to try to intimidate the other players by boasting about their 'skills' while using the biggest expoilts/ over-powered weapon and perk combos and I am fed up of people blasting their music down their mic to unbearable levels.

Tonight, I was told i am a tw*t and a dick-head for shooting a guy with a bolt-action rifle with no scope on it (so it just has the tiny iron sights) and I thought it was a good kill as you actually need skill to use it. Now because this guy is a typical CoD PS3 player, he decides that because i killed him with skill, he will shout abuse at me, telling me 'ahh you're crap you didn't snipe me you have no scope. Why don't you just f*** off? you dick-head'.

Now, I'm sorry, I know there are some decent people who play this game on the PS3 who don't do all this nonsense but when it's practically every other person with a mic? I'm sorry it's just terrible, I am getting rid of Call of Duty World at War for PS3, purely because of the community. I can not play a game if everyone does not get on and so spoil my enjoyment of the game. I just wish there was a party system on PS3 like on Xbox where you can just talk to your mates and not hear anyone else and have a great laugh.

Goodbye WaW, and take your cheap Veteran mode Single Player and potty mouth community with you!

The Chronicles of Theo

Kind of a lazy blog entry here :P basically these 3 short stories are based off the Fallout universe and I originally posted them on the Fallout Union board. All 3 follow one character. This will be pretty long so i hope you have the time to read them, and i hope you enjoy them :)

Chapter 1: Ghosts

"F**kin' hell, there's another one of those f**kers!" shouted out Bill as he blew off a molerat's head with his sawn-off shotgun, "I bet you didn't get this kind of s**t back down in your vault eh, kiddie?". Bill was a good friend of Theo's, about twice his age but a good friend nonetheless. Bill was the first person to greet him to the wasteland. "I suppose not Bill. The worst we got was some over-grown 'roaches" in terms of creatures anyway, Theo didn't add. "So what was it we had to do again?"

"Damn it kid, don't you remember nothing? We gotta clear out this here little outpost so we can rest for the night. It's easy to defend against raiders here". Bill spat as he mentioned the raiders. He hated them almost as much as molerats, just that molerats are easier to kill. The pair needed the shelter, they had been travelling for days with little supplies and no clean water to drink for the past 8 hours. Theo felt a bit dizzy from the lack of liquids in his body, no way was he going to touch that radiated stuff. They entered a room which was lockable on all sides and about 2 stories up from the ground. A good spot to rest. Bill did a quick sweep of the floor for any 'rats while Theo prepared the beds. Something moved in the shadows near Theo. It was subtle but Theo reached for his pistol anyway and loaded it. All of a sudden, a molerat jumped from the shadows and pounced onto Theo trying to bite a chunk out of his neck. Theo wrestled with the 'rat and shoved it onto the ground head first, splitting the creature's head and spilling crimson goo that's supposed to be brain all over the floor. We'll have to clean that up, Theo thought to himself.

Theo dreamt of times passed; his life in the vault mostly. The place that kept him safe, but also kept him prisoner. There was no way you could live how you wanted, it was the Overseer's way or you'd end up as next week's dinner, or so they said. It wouldn't have been surprising though, the Overseer was always chosen from bloodline, like some post-apocalyptic king puppeteer. This meant that inter-breeding amongst the Overseer's family was necessary which produced some beasts of humans. Theo had seen more handsome Ghouls.

Theo awoke from his dream with a start. Something woke him. He went over to wake up Bill but he was gone, the door to the room was wide open. Theo heard something around the corner so he went to take a look. What he saw disturbed him. Bill was being devoured by two cannibals who were feasting on his unconscious body. Blood and internal organs were spread across the room, all coming from a gaping whole in Bill's mid-section. The cannibals must have been hiding somewhere and picked the lock while Bill and Theo were sleeping. They probably chose Bill because there was more meat on his bones. Theo would be there if they wanted supper. Theo unclipped his pistol and aimed it at the nearest cannibal's head. The bullet rang from his 10mm and shot the cannibal straight through the back of the skull, exploding the brain inside. As quickly as that happened, Theo aimed and fired a second shot at the other cannibal's groin which also got it's target with tremendous accuracy. The cannibal keeled over in pain, his mouth covered in Bill's blood and his hand and pants covered in his own. Theo went up to him and put him out of his misery by stomping his head into the ground, until there was little left.

Theo collected his things as well as what he needed off Bill. Without a word, he left the outpost and headed towards where he thought the nearest settlement would be.

Chapter 2: Not So Lucky...

Theo awoke in a daze. He looked up to see two huge figures standing over him, barely visible in the poor light and the white haze that covered his vision. Their silhouettes showed them as huge muscular monstrosities with make-shift armour made from scrap found in the wastelands. Theo seemed to remember a name for these things but he couldn't quite place it, not in the state he was in. the disfigured beasts were telling him something but their voices seemed to come from miles away, despite them being within touching distance. If he could, Theo would have done more than touched them, he would have introduced them to his right hook. The thing was shouting at him now, looking and acting enraged in front of him. The voices faded. Theo felt his body give way. Dream land awaited...

Hours passed but it seemed only minutes to Theo. A new scene awaited him this time though, instead of being on the floor hand-tied he was hanging upside down by his feet with his hands tied dangling towards the floor. A deep voice came from across the room, 'wakey wakey Mr. Human. How are you feeling?' there was a hint of sarcasm to his words.

'Oh just fine, I've never felt so good in my life. How about you?' replied Theo in the same fashion.

'Shut up!' came the reply, 'if I had it my way you would be quartered and served to my brothers by now, you pathetic worm! You killed four of my friends!'

Theo laughed at this remark, a long satisfied laugh. He smiled as he said 'I forgot about that, you clumsy oafs couldn't shoot fish in a barrel! You only got me because one of you managed to sneak behind me.' The name of these things came back to Theo: Super Mutants. The Super Mutant got enraged by Theo's last statement and bared his yellow teeth and lunged at Theo. The Mutant took a he chunk out of Theo's arm and chewed the flesh in a feral way, slowly grinding it in his mouth and breathing deeply with his mouth open. Theo braced the pain and watched in agony as the Mutant savoured the flesh. Just as the Mutant started coming for seconds, the door to the dark, damp room burst open. 'What is that noise?' the second Super Mutant asked. It saw the blood dripping down Theo's arm and around the mouth of the Mutant standing next to him. That was all that was needed for the second Mutant to understand what was going on and so it charged the first Mutant and slammed him against the concrete wall, creating cracks that travelled all the way up the wall. The second Mutant pounded the first one's head six times, 'You. Must. Not. Attack. The. Prisoner!'. Theo wondered why they wanted him alive so badly, he wasn't any different to any other human to his knowledge and the Mutants around in that part of the wasteland were renowned for eating captured humans on the spot. Did they want to plump him up or something?

The second Mutant came around to Theo's face and looked him in the eye, his knuckles covered in Mutant blood. His face was worn and droopy, there were huge fleshy bags under his eyes which betrayed how much his face had lost structure. 'We will patch you up before the day comes, brother' he said to Theo, looking at his arm. With that the mutant left the room, leaving the door slightly open. What the f*ck? Theo thought to himself, they're going to turn me into one of them? He didn't ponder on it for much longer. Theo's next plan was to get out of wherever the hell he was. He fumbled about with his hand ties for a few minutes and got them loose and then untied his foot ties making him drop to the floor and land in a pool of his own blood mixed with the ex-Mutant's. Theo quickly searched the dead Mutant's body and found a Chinese pistol with twenty rounds of ammunition. Enough for a few Mutants, but killing them all wasn't Theo's plan. Theo exited the room, making sure to spit on the Mutant's corpse before leaving.

Chapter 3: Exit

Theo gripped his pistol tightly as he peeked around the corner. He didn't want to shoot anything because all of the base would hear the shots otherwise. A silenced pistol would come in handy. A quick scan of the corridor showed it was safe to move. Theo made his move down the long, dark corridor. The walls of the corridor looked familiar, they looked a bit like the corridors found in his home; Vault 117. Perhaps this was a vault, only this one was weathered and abused. The poor buggers who lived here must have opened the doors to a pack of Super Mutants. They wouldn't have lasted long, nothing would have prepared them for these monsters. Hell, even Theo only managed to last as long as he had because of the skills Bill had taught him. If it wasn't for Bill...

Theo disposed of that thought, it brought back too many memories, many of his time at home, and of his times with Bill. Theo turned the corner to find a bedroom, he must have been in the living quarters of a vault. The bed brought back memories of dreams, childhood bed times, and rapes. 'No, that's in the past' Theo thought to himself, 'I have to move on'. Theo kept his mind on task, taking up a pillow and leaving the messy room.

Theo weaved his way through the corridors slowly and deliberately until he found a large room. In the room was a gathering of Super Mutants, they seemed to be having a meeting. 'So what are the plans with the Pure One?' one Mutant asked the head of the meeting, the Super Mutant that had come into the room not 5 minutes earlier, 'well, it's obvious isn't it? We're going to take him to The Room and make him one of us. He's a vault boy, his pip-boy makes that clear. Which means he's a pure spirit which means his body will turn into one like ours when exposed to the radiation. He will be one of the superior race!'

That was enough to hear to know that it was time to go, and fast. If they found Theo, he wouldn't have much to live for. If he remembered his own vault correctly, then the exit should be near to the room he was next to now. Theo made his way to where he thought the exit would be. He was right, but there was a guard. A Super Mutant was standing guard by the vault door, which had been blown open. This made Theo wonder if all the Super Mutants that were living there were all once normal humans who used to live in the vault. Theo sneaked up behind the Mutant when it's back was turned as it looked at some flashing buttons. Theo wrapped his gun up with the pillow and aimed the pillow-wrapped gun at the back of the Mutant's skull and pulled the trigger. Pillow feathers flew everywhere mixed with some brain, blood and skull. The pillow muffled the sound of the gunshot, making the execution silent. The Mutant's body fell limply minus one head and Theo dropped the pillow. Theo made his way out of the vault through the front entrance. He saw the vault number as he walked out.

Theo made it to the surface and took a deep breath of air that didn't stink of rotting flesh, rather dust and radiation. Devastation could be seen for miles on the horizon. The war had ended but still the world did not have peace. Theo wondered if there would ever be such thing as peace on this world, then he discarded that thought as he wondered if the Mutants had found out he was missing yet. He made towards a settlement he could barely see on the horizon as fast as he could. He hoped they didn't have snipers. The Mutants of vault 117 would be right on his tail...

Short story, based on project started by me and my friend.

This short diary entry is influenced by the book concept in development by me and my friend. This is an early insight into the kind of universe this book will take place, so it's not flawless but hopefully interesting enough to develop more ;) enjoy :)


Khalien's journal

Sept. 13, 2143.


A 'Shifter died tonight. By my own hand. He left me no choice.

This encounter left me with a bitter taste in my mouth about this world, about it's values, and the vermin that infest it. Where else but Eden would you find prejudice, racist scum? A man can't even walk down the street without people passing judgements on what you are, killing you because of them. In this case tonight, a ShapeShifter tried his luck. He approached me from behind disguising himself as a werewolf such as me, but his disguise was flawed. He may take up the shape of a werewolf, but he lacked the subtleties that made him a werewolf; he lacked the smell, the posture, that glint in his eye. He looked fake, he was fake, and he was going to kill me because he didn't know me. He didn't know that I was not a follower of my kind as I am not a sadist. Not like my brothers who are the cause of many unprovoked attacks of a night.

He came up behind me, and made sure I spotted him. I wasn't going to fall for his disguise, I morphed into the beast and attacked. We fought for ages, slashing at each other and throwing ourselves around the street corner. It was hard to see in the intense darkness of the streets. No light shone on these streets, not in Eden. The 'Shifter could not match my fighting skills in the end, a poser will never live up to the real thing. I had the mastery, the skill and the wit to outshine my opponent. He fell when he made a clumsy mistake in his foot work, his right paw slipped a little on the damp street, messing up his posture and giving me an opening for an attack. I dug my claws into his thighs and threw him into a near by wall, leaving huge cracks in the concrete. This made the 'Shifter lose his disguise, revealing the tired, beaten, miserable man underneath. Drowsily, he lifted his head to look me straight in the eye. Even when his life was in great danger, he still looked at me with amazing hatred, not a shred of fear in the glimmer of his stare at all. I cut his jugular with a claw and watched the life in his eyes fade as the crimson hate spilled out his body and covered the streets. I left the scene in a hurry, the Vampires will deal with his body. The police will never find it, nor will they be there for several days.

The scene was a mess but now the city is somewhat cleaner, kind of ironic if you think about it. Perhaps one day an ultimate solution will be conducted, and all evil doers will perish. When that day comes, I want to be on the front of that solution, I want to be part of that extermination, that cleansing. Their filth and prejudice will be swept from this world and only salvation will be left. I will be patiently waiting...

Surviving the Apocalypse

Or how to not be a n00b on Left 4 Dead

1) First off, you are NOT Rambo or Chuck Norris, you can't hold off 1000 armed mercenaries with nothing more than 10mm pistol on your own or kick a zombie to the moon in a swift roundhouse kick, you are going to have to rely on your 3 other companions. Going it alone will only result in you getting your guts ripped out by a Hunter or being strangled to death by a Smoker, all while the common infected take a chunk out of important parts of your body and giving you a swift kick in the ribs. Instead, try working as a unit. Communicate and cover each other as they heal and when a comrade falls. I can think of many a sad tale of people who have died in such a way, memories that have led me to write these guidelines to how to survive the zombie apocalypse.

You are not him...

2) The Witch may look cool, but damn, is she pi$$ed. Looking at her too long will send her into a rage and everyone will groan when you get knocked down and destroyed by her. Why is she so angry you may be asking, well I'm afraid there are only theories on such things like that. Maybe she's seen you naked and that's why she's so upset, again, who knows? Just don't shoot/ look at her if you can help it unless you know what you're doing (i.e. if you know how to get the achievement).

3) Never panic! Yes, a Tank looks pretty intimidating when it's charging at you and has just thrown a concrete block at you, flinging you you around the room like a rag doll, but it's really pretty easy to kill. Just shoot at it. Simple! Just make sure all 4 of you shoot at the same time, otherwise you'll do next to no damage to it at all! Setting it on fire is a good idea too, nothing like a good ol' Tank-eque. I like mine crispy...

4) Melee is your friend, always remember. Stuck in a corner? Melee! Blinded by Boomer puke? Melee! Saving a team-mate in close quarters where you can easily shoot them instead of the zombies? Melee!! Despite whacking them full force in the face, you will never harm your pals, but a few strikes on a decomposing noggin will put them down for good! So, it saves ammo and stops you from team-killing everyone!

5) Remember points 1, 2, 3 and 4. Simple yes? Now go and survive the apocalypse, now! :D

Supermassive Blog Update

Well, it's been a long time since I updated this here blog. I think now is the time to sort that out...

What I've been playing and what I think..

Fallout 3- Great game although it doesn't really fit in with the other 2 games. Not because of the change of perspective but also because the way the world is portrayed feels really different. There isn't as much humour in this one as the other games for example.

Gears of War 2- It's just like the first one but with slightly better graphics and a much grander sense of scale. The ending's a bit iffy and a bit ridiculous but whatever. I'm not the biggest fan on the multi-player though.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune: I finally finished it and it's one of the best games on PS3 I've played so far :D I can't wait for the second one now! The story, the graphics, the animations, the voice acting: it's all so brilliantly done! I've always been a fan of Naughty Dog's work and this new series has not disappointed me.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII- brilliant PSP game that deserves the FFVII name more than any other spin off. The ending is very emotional that truly moved me in a way I haven't felt since that iconic scene in the original game.

Far Cry 2- Pretty fun game that I find myself get quite immersed into. It's not the story that drags me in though, the story's rubbish to be honest, it's just that the environment is so so pretty and realistic. The AI keeps you guessing most of the time too. Still not as good as Far Cry 1 for PC though.

Call of Duty: World at War- it's good, but not as good as MW, mostly due to it being simply the same game with a WW2 make-over.

Mirror's Edge- A really fun game that's short but has plenty of replay value with speed runs ans time trials to do. There's also a few bonus maps to get online too should you feel you need more.

Life in general

College is going okay. My exams are over now so I'm really relieved about that. How do I think I did? Not too bad I suppose, they were actually easier than the practice papers I did! Now work is concentrated on doing course-work. This is the bit I absolutely HATE! From now, I have 4 days to do 2 pieces of coursework. Wish me luck! :lol:

Other than college, I've been looking into universities and have to make a decision from the three universities that replied to my application. After that I've got to figure out the expenses. I'm not looking forward to that. Luckily it won't be too expensive because I'm living at home.

Other than college and university not much else is going on in my life. Nothing of significance anyway. Only games, music and writing this massive update are what's taking up my time at the moment.

Games to look out for this year

Killzone 2 is amazing and is at the top of my 'must buy' list. If you have a PS3 download the demo NOW! Find out for yourself how great this game is..

The other games I'm looking forward to I've been tracking for a while now. One of which is Heavy Rain by the people who made Fahrenheit/ Indigo Prophecy. It's a similar type of game but this time it looks set to be even better than last time.

Here, I would like to say FF13 will be one of my most anticipated games, but Square Enix are being mean and taking their sweet old time to translate the game, making the arrival date anywhere in 2010. I'm not a happy chappy...

Other games include Borderlands, The Chronicles of Riddick and Battlefield 1943. The latter you will see me playing a lot when it comes out on PSN/ XBL.

Well, I think that's about it. I'll try to keep the blog more up-to-date from here on in ;)

Stay safe, kids.

Merry (late-ish) Christmas!

Christmas has arrived! And I've only just got around to writing a blog about it! :lol:

I hope you've all had a good Christmas and that Santa brought all that you asked of him, within reason.

I also wish to wish you all a happy New Year :D

Keep it safe kids.