Tonight, i found out the reason why I hate the PS3's Call of Duty online community; they're tw*ts. It seems everyone with a mic just wants to try to intimidate the other players by boasting about their 'skills' while using the biggest expoilts/ over-powered weapon and perk combos and I am fed up of people blasting their music down their mic to unbearable levels.
Tonight, I was told i am a tw*t and a dick-head for shooting a guy with a bolt-action rifle with no scope on it (so it just has the tiny iron sights) and I thought it was a good kill as you actually need skill to use it. Now because this guy is a typical CoD PS3 player, he decides that because i killed him with skill, he will shout abuse at me, telling me 'ahh you're crap you didn't snipe me you have no scope. Why don't you just f*** off? you dick-head'.
Now, I'm sorry, I know there are some decent people who play this game on the PS3 who don't do all this nonsense but when it's practically every other person with a mic? I'm sorry it's just terrible, I am getting rid of Call of Duty World at War for PS3, purely because of the community. I can not play a game if everyone does not get on and so spoil my enjoyment of the game. I just wish there was a party system on PS3 like on Xbox where you can just talk to your mates and not hear anyone else and have a great laugh.
Goodbye WaW, and take your cheap Veteran mode Single Player and potty mouth community with you!