What the hec???? Did the developers forget to finish the game or something??? This game absolutely truly sucked. This is probably the worst game I've played in a LONG time!!!!! First of all, there's only like 4 modesand 2-4 matches compared to the Xbox360, PS2, and PS3 versions multiple lists of matches and 6 or so modes. And then, in the season mode(or main event mode as it's called in the Wii) you fight at the same PPV all the darn time. (No Mercy happens only once a year on the WWE calendar.)
Oh it gets worse from thier. You are unable to edit all of the moves of the wrestlers, there are about only 5-6 top rope moves so there is almost no reason to go to the top rope, every wrestler does the same springboard legdrop, a maneuver that only a handful of wrestlers ever use, the only time your wrestler runs is when they're on the outside of the ring(I'm serious), the moves are often times glitchy, you are unable to use the classic control so your stuck using the nunchuk controller which gets tiring trying to execute moves that hardly ever react properly, and the only available weapon in hardcore matches is the chair.
Sounds too bad to be true doesn't it????? Well it is!!!! This was a huge insult in my opinion to Nintendo, and to fighting gamers who spent thier money on this crap. That does it!!! I'm only buying platforn games for the Wii from now on!!!!
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