I'm really glad Jade got some love here. Though Ellie from The Last of Us might be considered a supporting character, I think she could also be considered a protagonist and therefore a good addition to this list.
How can you not have seen Indie Game: The Movie, Kevin? Tom made a lady cry in it! :P
Anyway, I wrote a lot of words about the Phil Fish incident and internet hate in my latest blog, but the gist of it was that I'm embarrassed to be involved in a community that can be easily associated with such nasty behavior, but I still adore all the wonderful people also involved that make me love games as much as I do in the first place. I also stated that I want to try to be more vocal in comments sections where I can share positive thoughts and try to drown out some of the hate.
You should really have me on the podcast for the soundtrack quiz, Kevin. :P I usually get a few when the others don't. I recognized Flower and Nintendogs, and the others I just haven't played.
The bass on that Red Alert track... all amazing choices for strategy game music, and I've never even played any of those games!
Some sound issues as you mentioned in the beginning, but other than that, another lovely episode of Gameplay. :) I hope you guys can continue with your luck getting awesome guests on the show.
dapman418's comments