This is a pet peeve of mine. You might consider me obsessive and pedantic, but it annoys me to no end. And what is "it"? The abbreviation "MMO" when used to refer to massively multiplayer online games.
The acronym MMORPG was probably first. However, shortly after the genre became popular, people started shortening the acronym itself to just 3 letters: MMO. Since then, in every online conversation about massively multiplayer online games, somebody is bound to use it. MMOs this, MMOs that.
If you take a closer look, though, that acronym makes about as much sense as saying "PIN Number." Except, in case of MMO, the acronym isn't redundant, but quite the opposite - it's missing one of the words. The most logical expansion to MMO would be "Massively Multiplayer Online." So, when somebody says "I like MMOs" they are saying "I like Massively Multiplayer Onlines." Right. That sounds weird.
Because of that, I prefer the acronym MMOG - Massively Multiplayer Online Game. I saw this acronym used extensively, back when the genre was just becoming popular. Since then, though, it has fallen into disuse, in favor of the one letter shorter MMO. MMOG means pretty much what people mean when they type "MMO" - a massively multiplayer online game, not of any specific sub-genre, such as MMORPG.
I find it surprising that more people aren't irked by this frequent misuse of the acronym MMO. Redundant acronyms get more attention from people, who try to correct others, and try to prevent themselves from typing "ATM Machine" or "PIN Number." However, I've never seen anyone pay too much attention in, or care much about the broken acronym "MMO."
So, it seems I am all alone here, asking people to use MMOG instead of MMO. And yes, I probably care more than I should, but that doesn't mean the issue is non-existent.
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