I can't believe no one has mentioned Freedom Fighters.
This game need a sequel, lol
I can't believe no one has mentioned Freedom Fighters.
This game need a sequel, lol
"War is delightful to those who have not experienced it."
- Erasmus
PSN ID: darabo
Online games:
Resistance 1
Metal Gear Online
You are right, the Rwandan genocide is horrible however lets not forget the other human rights violations in China (#1 in the world in human rights violations), Iran (#2 in human rights violations), North Korea (where the majority of the people are starving and there is no electricity in most of North Korea) or any of the numerous places in the world where attrocities are taking place.
If you think the Rwandan genocide is bad then I suggest you study the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the mass executions and genocide in Iran as well as Stalin's purges. You will think the Rwandan genocide is nothing compared to these actions.
It is sad that the Western world ignores these facts and the odds are that since most of the Western countries are greedy their governments will do nothing about it.
It is not just the United Nation's fault for not acting, it is the fault of the governments of the West.
Basically an artist called Wafaa Bilal created a video game where the player is a suicide bomber on a mission to kill President Bush.
It is being displayed in a Chicago museum and it has faced much protest around the nation.
What do you think about the game? Does it go over the line or is it protected by the freedom of speech?
I think we can all agree that the game looks horrible....
It is obvious that the Israel situation is not black or white but it is very grey and complicated.
The creation of an Israeli state first came in the form is Zionism in the early 19th Century.
Then the British Government, who was in control of the Palestine region in the early 20th century, drafted the Balfour Declaration in 1917. The Balfour Declaration in short states that there should be a national home for the Jewish people, a Jewish state.
The Balfour Declaration also stated that the British Government would give up Palestine in favor for a Jewish state. It is also important to mention that in 1922 the League of Nations support the declaration and drafted plans for the action.
After World War II the newly created United Nations decided to honor the Balfour Declaration and allowed the creation of Israel.
That being said the United Nations in 1947 also offered the Arabs a seperate state where the Palestinians would rule. This is known as the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
The plan was passed in the United Nations was passed and the next day a civil war broke out in Palestine, and after Isael was created the 1948 Arab-Israeli War came about.
If the 1947 UN plan was actually put into effect the majority of the violence in the region would not be taken place today.
Most people say that the Holocaust was the reason why Israel was created, while the Holocaust sped up the creation of Israel it did not give the United Nations any idea about created a Jewish state.
After Israel was officially created many sovereign countries opposed Israel and attacked Israel as well as funding terrorist groups such as the Palestinian Liberation Organization, or the PLO.
Here are the the two major conflicts where Arabic countries have attacked Israel:
The Six Day War
The Yom Kippur War
Due to these conflicts Israel was forced to change their defense strategy which in short says "strike first, better one dies to save one thousand"
That being said the actions of Israel, the UK, and France attacking Egypt and annexing the Suez Canal during the Suez Canal crisis was selfish and unacceptable, and both the United States and the Soviet Union condemned the actions of the three countries.
It should also be stated that although Israel did take the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip the Israeli government did give back the Sinai Peninsula to the Egyptians and gave back sovereignty of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
The PLO is an organization is much like the IRA, it has a reasonable goal however they perform terrorist activities which are unacceptable. They are a terrorist group which tries to justifies killing innocent people for the sake of their cause.
What most people do not know about the situation in Israel and Palestine is the attacks on Israel from the terrorist groups and other people, which have been illustrated in the suicide bombings, rocket attacks, hostage taking, bombings, and other activities which force Israel into action for the security of its citizens. Also the first and second Intifada almost forced Israel into taking aggressive action against the terrorist groups in the region.
It should also be mentioned that the major operations Israel has performed in the region is due to attacks on Israeli citizens and soldiers.
Israel is a sovereign country just like all of the other nations in the world so they have a right to defend themselves. The majority of Americans and people in the world say that an attack on Japan, and also Germany and Italy, was justified due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and there are almost no arguments there. The United States went into Afghanistan due to the September 11th attacks, and the attack on Afghanistan for the most part had no opposition.
So how is it different when an organization, calling them terrorists or freedom fighters, attacks Israel and takes appropriate action against the attacks? It is not right to for any country, no matter how big or small, to just "sit there" and do nothing while someone is throwing stones at them.
I will post more later but in short, Israel has a right to defend themselves and it should be stated that the situation in the region is do ends do not justify the means.
Like I said in the first paragraph the situation in the region is not a black or white situation, it is a grey one where no side is perfect or right.
I hope you liked my reading and I will post more about my opinion later.
What do you think about my write up? What are your reactions and/or opinions on the matter?
Some feedback would be great thanks.
my first real kiss was in the 3rd grade right after our family moved from london to north carolina, it was recess and a girl just came up to me and kissed me, I don't know what happened to her....
my first kiss where I wanted to kiss that person was while watching Talladega Nghts in the cinema with a childhood friend of mine who turned out to be in my British History class that semester in high school, I already watched the movie two times before I went with her so we just made out in the end of the movie
not exactly the best of stories but yea
Hey everyone, I want to know what people here think about movie sequels since a certain movie is coming out soon.
Which movie sequels do you think are just as good or better than the original?
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