All I have to say is Bring Back Ken. Kaz is a freakin moron. Changing the hardware is the dumbest and most damaging thing you can do to a console. The fact that PSone games will be playable is rediculous. I rarley play any PSone games, but PS2 games will be played for some time. Considering the quality of the PS2 games coming out and some of the recent releases, I will definatly be playing PS2 games for some time. I do not however want to keep my PS2 in my living room, I plan on putting it my sons room and using my PS3 to play any games that I want to play. My other issue is this, couldnt programmers use the EE for other tasks for PS3 titles? A little extra processing power, or is it kind of off-limits when using the CELL-RSX? This move just seems like something that you consider 6 or so years down the road when your shrinking the console and your emulation support is complete, or just get your EMU support in place at launch and keep it out all together. Sony really needs to fire KAZ, he comes in and starts completly killing the PS3 image....which was still a little hurt due to up-conversion and price. They had better just keep the US and Japan versions the way they are though, or I will never own a PS3 I'll be damned if I pay 600 bucks for something that could play all games at launch but cant now. I can truly say I never saw this coming. I can overlook the price and up-conversion problems, but taking support and hardware away is just un-forgivable. This news is making me put off buying my Sony Tv now as see if they do to us what they are doing to EU. If they do, I wont be buying there tv either.
AMD has been on top for a long time now. Intel comes out with something that comes close, even slightly outperforms, then AMD launches a new one that beats them again. AMD is a much better deal, and a much better company.
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