I know you guys only change user-names if only someone is in real need, well I really need it! I've been a member for a long time(since 2004) well I'm in the process of changing everything from my AOL account to my Gmail account the "darin025" user-name I currently have causes a lot of frustration because it matches my school account and other stuff, Well I was wwonderingif I could have it changed to my PS3 id OFF2theGYM, if you could do it that would be awesome!
darin025's forum posts
Ohhh ok so its for the older models cool thanks
Today as look around the GS website, I for the first time, questioned my purchase of my PS3. After owning my PS3 for little over 5 months now I wondered what makes my "legendary" PS3, so... legendary? I mean Sony has lost just about ALL of its major 1st party games: GTA, Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry, and Virtua Fighter are just to name sum. Sure it has games like R 1 & 2, LBP (which is not my kind of game honestly), Killzone 2, Drake UCF, and for now MGS, but even MGS has rumors of hitting the ol' 360 too. An if that's not enough damage look at the games for PS3 and 360 even games made for both systems the 360 usually pulls out a better score. Why why f*ckin WHY?! My PS3 should be the better & faster gaming machine yet NO ONE really unlocks its power. Yet I still paid $520 for the regular 40 gig when like a month later you could get the better 80gig for the same price. Did I get mad and have a fit, no idc, I can always get the 80gig later. BUT what does bother me is that the 360 is way lower in price and they still get all my games AND they are typically better?! Then you have those games that come out for both and they give them the same score OMG once agn my PS3 should be better (excluding the slighty higher Oblivion score the PS3 got). Us PS3 owners hold the most powerful piece of gaming technology and that my friend is alone the Cell Processor. My dad is actually one of the main guys who originally developed original form of the Cell Processor for a company called Parallel Processing back in 1989-1991. This little piece of hardware should be knocking the socks of PS3 gamers around the world, instead we get lack-luster games like Fallout 3 plagued with glitches while the 360 owners laugh at us with their 9.0 score! I know this is just a bunch of complaining but dang it Im rdy for Sony to get their @ss in gear and get us sum great games, idc if they aren't 1st party or not, just use the PS3's power...
I wonder if you realize that the second picture is actually a screen from COD4, not Haze...jt4mtb
Lol I was gonna say the same thing! Btw I hope ur joking IMO Haze was a flop, def get FC2!
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