Awesome post on OT:
The anti-abortion movement focuses on one thing, the sanctity of human life. And if they are right, that each new life deserves a chance to be born, then that is not affected AT ALL by whether or not the mother was raped.
And if you bring up the standard "rape exception" point about the mother's mental state, then that's still tricky as hell. If she doesn't want to raise the child, can't she just put it up for adoption the same way that anti-abortion advocates think that EVERY OTHER abortion seeker should put their kids up for adoption?
And if abortion is "murder", and rape victims are allowed to "murder" their "children" in order to spare the mother from the emotional trauma of carrying her rapist's child for nine months, then once again we're back to square one. The woman's "feelings" are justification for "murdering" a "person". In which case, we're STILL left with the situation in which it's okay to murder babies as long as the mom has a reason for not wanting it. And if we're going that route, then we're right back to abortions for every woman who wants one.
bolded and underlined for emphasis.