So far E3 has been pretty good. There is so much that was announced and shown off. GUITAR HERO II!!!!! That game looks AWESOME. I think that it's my favorite game from E3 so far. Some other cool announcements were Super Smash Bros. Brawl, God of War 2, Unreal Tournament 2007, other Wii games, and much more. Guitar Hero II looks great, 55 songs, different guitar tracks, and much more. This game made me want to have that demo more than any other next gen console right now. Then out of the blue comes Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This games looks like the killer app for the Wii. Seeing this made me want to buy a Wii so much more. I was already sold, but then this it like sign me up for this. The only thing is I can't think of how the controls would be. I'm sure it will be easy and fluid like the other ones are. God of War 2 looked pretty good on their live coverage. Another game that was awesome on their coverage was Unreal 2k7. This game looks cool, but the only bad thing that I see about this is that it's so nice that it probably won't run on my computer. That is the only bad thing I can see about this game. All of the Wii games so far look pretty awesome. I think that the Wii will most likely be the first next-gen console that I will buy because of all the great games its going to have, and that it will be the cheapest of them. There is so much that happened and I haven't even seen everything on Gamespot's coverage yet. Now I can't wait for what is on the floor tomorrow and when Guitar Hero II comes out. I want the demo!!!
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