Not to long ago I've finally joined the big boy's club and made it into High School:D. In case you guys are wondering I'm attending Stephen F Austin High School. I decided to choose it because well, all me siblings have gone there and even one of them works there so I can kinda get away with some stuff:P.
My Schedule-
1st Period-World Geograpy: Pretty ok and easy class. My teacher seems pretty funny and nice
2nd Period-Pre AP Algebra: Pretty easy class (even though I hate math with a passion>_>)
3rd Period- Marketing: I really don't understand this class that much:?. It's basically teaches you about businesses. Which I'm not all that into. (gonna change it soon)
4th Period- Pre Ap IPC (Science): One of my favorite subjects (cause I can blow crap up:twisted:] my teacher is from jamaca so it's kinda hard to understand him sometimes.
5th Period- Gym: What can I say? It's gym. An easy grade.
6th Period- Health: I don't understand why I don't have this mixed with Gym? Oh well *shrugs* another easy class.
7th Period- Pre Ap English: My easiest subject EVAR!!1!11 I always excell in reading and English so this won't be a problem for me.
8th Period- Art: I tell you write now, I'm not the best artist. Heck my main skill in art is drawing stick figures. Hopefully this class will change that.
Thankfully I have alot of my friends from middle school came to my school so it's alot less stressfull for us. I think almost every 8th grader from my old school came here lol. Some of my other friends went to different schools:(. But that what happens sometime I suppose. Guess I'll make new friends and hang out with my old friends over the weekends.
So far this week has been going pretty well and I excited to see what High School has in store for me. Hopefully I won't stay a freshman for long.
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