Following my previous return blog, i will also be sharing my recent prediction, wishlists and other topics too!
There has been a huge remaster and remake trend, especially with Resident Evil which has been getting a huge remake treatment to he past entries, alongside remake there has been remasters and reimagination (which is a remake or remaster but with a different approach with similarities).
I will first list below games that a higher chance could be getting a remaster treatment in the next years!
Command and Conquer: Remastered Collection Volume 2
This one is easily the no-brainer, the first remastered collection featured the original Command and Conquer and Red Alert with both being remastered with new graphics, modern systems and multiplayer, it released back in 2020 and has also sold really well which would normally warrant another remaster entry. EA has not greenlighted or announce any news on another remaster of the previous games yet but Petroglyph (the developers and former Westwood devs of Volume 1) has publically stated they would defiantly be up to do a remaster of Tibrium Sun and Red Alert 2 in another remastered package, it is however up to EA to greenlight. EA has also recently announced another new Command and Conquer mobile game which is also a sign they are wanting to bring in more audience.
When would it likely be announced and release?
I think it will around Summer 2024 nearer to the 25th Anniversary of Tiberum Sun which released way back in 1999, there is PC Game Show that features around the past E3 time frame in June so it could be then. For release date i would actually put down Fall 2025 at the earliest, as 2025 also marks the 25th Anniversary of Red Alert 2, it could be Spring 2026 game with a beta going on in 2025 which could happen too.
Black and White - Remastered
No one would expect this to happen anytime soon since Lionhead is closed down but i feel this is something that could happen now since the success of Age of Empire remaster titles. Microsoft are also bringing back Fable in a big way and have acknowledged in the past years on Black and White. With the advancement of AI and deep learning, a new Black and White Remastered could even pave way for a new Black and White 3 game which could feature a heavily use of self-learning AI system which would make perfect sense to have in a Black and White game as your creature is controlled by self-learning behavour (which at that time was decades ahead of its time!). For developers, i think Microsoft could worth with 22Cans with Peter Molyneux for the remaster similar to how EA managed to get the ex-westwood devs from Petroglyph to do the remaster for Command and Conquer and Red Alert, and then they could get Asobo (Microsoft Flight Simular devs) to do Black and White 3.
When would it likely be announced and release?
I think it will be around 2024/2025 for the announcement for a 2027 release date. The 25th Anniversary of Black and White will also be in 2026, so we could even get a Beta in 2026.
If this is successful what would happen next?
Personally, great things will happen. Microsoft will then likely to revive The Movies as the next big project and probably form a new Lionhead style studio to revive these titles, i also would love for Microsoft to buy the rights for all Bullfrog games from EA (Dungeon Keeper, Populus,, Theme Hospital, Theme Park etc.) so they could even revive those titles with remasters/remake and newer sequels. EA sadly are sat on these franchises doing nothing with them at this time.
Stay tuned for Part 2!