Ok so I started a blog, lost 12 man points, gained 8 stone just by doing that, stole the column name from the brilliant Transmetropolitan (read it you filthy scum) and have officially started to write my first Gamespot blog, I feel rantier already.
So anyway, I be me, I don't know you, or maybe I do, I dunno and you sure as hell probably don't know me which is why I'm here to tell you my opinion and you're going to sit down and enjoy it!
Realism in games, I've been studying game design for over 4 years (2 officialy) and have had it as a hobby for a grand total of 13 years, not so bad considering I'm just over 19 so I'm a student officially qualified to talk out my arse about **** nobody cares about and you can all sit down and shut up for a paragraph or two! I may be a student/long term hardcore gamer a bit on the heavy side with annoying facial hair that grows back in 2 days but I can see where some game devs are going incredibly wrong, I mean really wrong, you see, most game developers are convinced every gamer everywhere loves realism.
This couldn't be more wrong.
I'm not sure about you but I want immersion, storyline and an ounce of unburdened psychosis and you know why, because realism is like porridge, it's **** boring, I mean dull, grey, slop in a bowl boring. Now some games they're aiming for it because it works, such as stalker and the likes and I'm fine with that but when you get your ultra power armoured space marines knocked down in 2 bullets by grey enemies hiding in front of a grey backdrop it's stupid to say it's realistic. It's the future for christ's sake, anything can be classified as realistic! at least Gears of War had the decency to put shiny red lights on the hard to distinguish grey blurs! I want to see the average games companies high on crack, I mean really damn high, high as a mother**** kite and if it means artistic awesomeness rather then realism then I don't care what there smoking.
Heres the rundown,
I will pick Saints Row, 1 or 2 over GTA 4 because it's colourful, wacky, fun, schizophrenic and frankly makes you enjoy the damn thing.
I will pick Psychonauts, Abe's Oddysey, Strangers Wrath, Red Alert 3 (and 2 and 1 for that matter, PARACHUTING BEARS!), Splosion Man, Trine, even World of Mother**** E-crack Warcraft over another boring grey ass FPS with a dirty camera lens because in all those games, there's some variation, there's some awesome **** there's an art style, a nice visual even with the crappy hardware some of them have to work on and they each have there own personality!
Don't get me wrong I love Gears, because its style works, it was among some of the earlier ones to go with grey, COD 4, brilliant, it breaks from your average war based shooter because holy **** it's set in a time where weapons dont suck and I can relate to it, Halo, it's a love or hate thing for many people but it's more colourful then most games, it's got a huge storyline even if some don't realise it, likeable characters e.t.c.
So dear Game Devs/Internet Trolls/Random Readers/Anyone unfortunately cursed with a long attention span and accidental navigation to this page, say no to drugs, boring games and greyscale!
P.S: Why is sex in a game so bad, now I dislike the concept of pixelated penetration as much as the next guy but a sex scene lands in a film and well that's just dandy 12+ a bit of side-boob in a game and suddenly it's obscene, I hope Bioware make mass effect 2 a full on porno just to see how much they get banned.
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