- darkbuster_exe’s Activity
Really, I don't see why this is such a big issue when it's the same basic thing Sony & Microsoft have been doing. Sure Sony & Microsoft offer more recent games, but they're all subscription b...
Sad part is SE is being a better "landlord" than some real world ones.
For better or worse, I'm overall glad Nintendo is so adamant against truly following "modern gaming".
I've never actually bought anything from ThinkGeek, but they always seemed to be doing well enough to me. Seems more like a move to keep GameStop afloat, than any problems with ThinkGeek.
No, Batman doesn't kill (or use guns), because when he finally does, it's usually a moral event horizon as to whether he's still fit to be Batman in the first place. I'm not even a super hardcore com...
Even if it's just PR posturing, the fact Nintendo would even dare issue a statement at all speaking out against predatory microtransaction practices, currently puts them on the highest moral ground i...
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