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My religous insides

You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof). Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.

agnosticism 75%

Christianity 54%

Judaism 54%

Islam 50%

Paganism 50%

atheism 50%

Buddhism 46%

Satanism 38%

Hinduism 33%

Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

I actually think this is a pretty good description of my religious standing. I like to think of myself as either agnostic or a non-devout Christian. I'm too scientific, I require more evidence, to fully believe the existence of God and thus my faith isn't very strong.


So I've been living in my apartment for a month already... time sure passes quickly. I've gotten pretty comfortable with living by myself, well its not too hard since I can always visit my parent's home on weekends. Anyway its my sister's birthday this weekend and I still haven't gotten her anything. I'll have to go shopping today after work or something. Maybe I'll buy Sims 2 and give it to her as a present and then borrow it, hehe. I've been wanting to get that game, this is a perfect excuse. Nothing else new, my co-worker has been inviting me to do church stuff with him. I'm kind of curious, but I'm still not certain if I want to go. I don't exactly understand religous people, and this might be a good opportunity to learn more about them, but at the same time I think I'm going to feel all ackward being among them seeing as I'm not really that religous. I don't know, maybe I'll go once and see, service is this Sunday at 10am that might be a good way to break the ice. Hopefully, I'll have more interesting things to report next week, until then take care.

New apartment

Today I have to go pick up the key to my new apartment. My landlord called me today and said he was leaving Sat. so I said I could come after work today to get the key. I was originally planning on getting it when I moved in this weekend, but its not that far from where I work so I don't mind too much.