Good bye(for now), and have a great school year!
by darkdrone on Comments
Well school starts in three days and I have to get ready for it. When I say get ready I mean theirs tons of distractions and lots of homework. My dream was to get to level 10, like ANJ and Hokudoshi002, but that was will never happen now. Anyway I would like to say good bye to all my friends. ******************************************************************** AnimaChix: You were nice and helpful in any problem. You always know what to say and your sunny side up. Have a great school year. I thought you were one of my better friends and hope me and you can talk more Shessy2022: The banner making genius will hopefully do well in school. All I say is that you were very helpful, and you wrote in my blogs! I hope me and you can still be friends after the school year. DrFrantic: You were funny and your account was neatly organized. Not to mention you always cheered me up when I was down. I wish you the best of luck. Drogoon35k: I always admired how your account was so mystical and you were one of those friends who always had something interesting to say. I hope you do well in the coming months. Kilgore777: For a person three time my age you sure know how to write long and detailed blog. Me and you haven't talked a lot to each other but still your friend and I wish it can stay that way. AnimaNikkaJamel: I loved your blogs and loved how you brang something new to this website. You and I still can be friends only if you bring your funny blogs next summer. hakudoshi002: You were nice and had a taste for anima & manga. You were nice to me in the beginning and talked to like true friend. Since your twenty you deserve extra good bye and farewell. Guardiangirl254: You sure had lots of great pictures and you were nice to me when you didn't know me. I think your awesome and a true inuyasha fan! inuyashafreak34: You were like a brother to me. I enjoyed reading your funny blogs. They had something special that know one I knew had. Good luck and have a good life! SoulShadower: I haven't talked to you for ages but still me and you you were good friends. I hope me and you can still be great pals next summer. Oh and I think you are made to make banners. LOL! night_wing: Nice to meet you and I wish you the best of night luck! Okay, Okay, theres more I knew you a while but you were very nice and absolutly one heck of a friend! Have a great school year!!! natsuki-chan: I always adored your style in You were cool in a nice way. I thought you were also nice because you let the one and only darkdrone to be friend. Good luck man and remember I am your friend. riotgirl8268: Hi riotgirl and good bye riotgirl! I wish you luck in your riot ways and hope me and you can chat more online and in the furoms. I enjoyed talking to you and forever will be your friend. Inusurvirobin: Wish you luck and please we have to talk to each other more often. 987Josh: Me and you just met today and we will be friends to the end. I loved reading blogs and liked your sense of humor. Thanks for being my friend and farewell. Sango288: Don't know much about you, but I do know you like Sango from inuyasha because your name says it all. Good bye and have a good school year. If your name wasn't written please call 1-800-Pm Darkdrone. Thank U! ******************************************************************** Well everyone its been nice saying good bye (in a sad way), but thats life. I loved from the beginning and forever love it. I wish all my friends can still be my friend after the school year. You see I am currently going to Ridgemont High School in three days. So you know darkdrone he has to be prepared for anything. When school is finished for the summer I wish we all can have a get to meet each other blog. You see their is still some friends I haven't got to know that much. And also I have to start making new friends so I can get that dang butterfly emblem. Oh and I was woundering...who likes my banner? My good friend Shessy2022 made it for me, yes it is a beauty! SO GOOD BYE AND HAVE A GOOD LIFE! PEACE OUT!