The NBA playoffs are still going and its heating up:evil:. I should say the same for heats. They are burning New Jersey by leading the series 2-1. Dallas and San Antanio are trying to eleminate one another. Most of my friends say Dallas will win but I got my hopes for San Antanio Theres soppose to be a game on right now:wink:. Dallas has Dirk Niwotski while San Antanio has Tim Duncun! Right now Dallas leads 2-1 in the series for two 60+ win teams. On that note Avery Johnson on the Dallas Maverics won the couch of the year award. Another series that I am well into is Phoenix versu Los Angelos. Clippers have the upper hand by having a team that goes to basketbasket while Phoenix is into the set ups of plays. Steave Nash, from Phoenix, will cause trouble for Los Angelos becasue he won the MVP award. Luckily with Phoenix's excellent record and Steve Nash there up 2-1. The most important series is Detroit versus Cleveland. Detroit might have way better records than Cleveland but they have to watch out for Lebron James. Lebron is basketballs most dominant young stars in the league today. Averaging 30 points in the post season and 34 points in the playoffs, Lebron is something to watch out for. Even with Lebron Detroit is leading the some what hard series 2-1. By the way I don't think I told you guys but Chauncy Billups (Detroit) is my favourite player! The series I am watching right now is Miami vs. New Jersey. I really don't like New Jersey's hot star, Vince Carter :x. He acts like he so good and smile makes me so mad!!! Anyway, I am glad to say that Miami is leading 2-1. Today, it might be a win making Miami lead the series even more or lose causing the series to be tied. Anyway, today we find out! Now excuse me I have to watch the game!!:D