(I'm going crazy by the stupid error message: "Your HTML is not well-formed - no valid tags were found." I DON'T CARE! Just let me post. Gonna write this in Notepad, and try to post it again in plain text with NO CODE dammit.)
I have 1700+ ratings on imdb.com, and I've given almost 10% of them a 10/10. My vote history on imdb:
I'm not a perfectionist, to me a 10/10 is simply as good as it gets, so the best game I've ever played gets it. There's also many different genres in movies/tv-series etc, so I've given the best of every genre according to my opinion a 10/10. If I were to give DAOC less than a 10, it would imply that I believed I hadn't seen any games that deserved a 10 because it's the best game I've ever seen.
When rating movies:
Most of my ratings are favourite movies, wich mean ratings 7-10, as those are easiest to remember that I've seen. Most of the movies that I would've rated 1-6 I've forgotten long ago so I wouldn't know where to put the rating. Ofcourse there is a few that is so bad that they're hard to forget, but the best movies are always easier to remember. All the movies I've rated 9-10 are "Must-have's" wich means if they aren't already in my collection, they will be.
7-8 means they are so good I can watch them several times, and many of them I own or would like to own.
5-6 is good enough to keep my eyes on the screen during the entire movie but not something I'd like to watch again,
3-4 I can watch once but I don't enjoy it,
and 1-2 is so shockingly horrible I either just gotta watch them until the end (just to regret I did) thinking "it can't honestly be this bad, there must be something I've missed", or turn it off and feel like the time I wasted I could just aswell have spent watching a blank wall section.
When rating games:
I have yet to come across a game that has involved me as much as DAOC did, and therefore it's the only game I've given a 10, and it did so by such a margin that it's tipped the scale. No other games have a score higher than 9.
My second highest rating I gave to Starcraft wich is a strong 8 (8.5). 8+ ratings is for games that have involved me more or less over several years, and that took a lot more than 1 month to grow tired of. These games will always have a place on my hard drive for easy access.
7+ are for games that have involved me much, but aren't good enough to keep me occupied to this day. Most of them took less than 1 month to grow tired of. A criteria is that I've had very much fun, and gotten addicted to a certain point.
6+ are games I've enjoyed playing, but never had me for long periods of time in a row. It's games that are very fun playing for a while and then I go do something else.
5+ are enjoyable in the moment, but easily tiresome. These can only be played in short bursts, and if I occupy myself with them for a longer period I'll lose my interest in playing again for a while.
4+ lost my interest pretty quick. Tried and failed.
3+ never really caught my attension enough for me to really get interested. There must be something wrong with it.
1-2 I'd rather watch the blank wall section again.
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