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My top 5 Nintendo 64 heros

Hello, you are reading an opinionative piece by darkjoanna007. All I will say is that I don't care about people who have a problem with my opinion. This is MY top 5 list on the best protagonists featured on the Nintendo 64.

5. James Bond (GoldenEye 007) - Everyone knows this guy from the films, books and of coursevideogames. Besides being one of the most well known heros of all time he isn't as famous for his gaming portrayal as he is for his 22 films. If you haven't played GoldenEye 007 on Nintendo 64 and you have an N64 then you missed out on a treasure. Back in 1997 this was the 1st first-person shooting game that had huge success. Aside from this game having great technique with the development the character itself is already known from other things so there isn't much you can say that isn't new with James Bond, especially when this game follows the plot of a movie which was released two years prior to the game being made.

4. Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark) - Joanna is basically a female version of the James Bond. No, I wouldn't call her extremely attractive nor ugly but she does provide something a bit more refreshing than James Bond. The game itself is created with the exact same technique as GoldenEye and some actually regard this game as a better version of GoldenEye. Looking at the character she is a woman who shows people the power of 'girl power'. She saves her boss, an Alien, the US President and the entire world (What a surprise). The most interesting thing is that she is a much better agent than her ally Jonathan. I reckon she is better than 007 based on what she did in this game compared to what James did in GoldenEye.

3. Link (The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time) - The 'Hero Of Time' who starts off as a brave kid and becomes an adult sooner than what his age increase feels. Link is a tough one when it comes to describing him and his journey (mainly because he doesn't speak).Basicslly he is the chosen one who is destined to save the land of Hyrule from Ganondorf. Unfortunately the mess that was created actually happened with the doings of him and Zelda. If you forget about that you can see he is a courageous Hylian who with his trusty sword, shield and other items and spells is the protagonist of The Legend Of Zelda. One question: Why does he have pierced ears and tights on as an adult? Anyway, even with my crappy description of him he deserves his place in no.3.

2. Banjo and Kazooie(Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie) - The Bear and Bird duo. Any person who was a kid and played these games back then would've them. Lets start with Banjo-Kazooie. This game had a very cute innocent Tooty who is kidnapped by the Witch of the West, Gruntilda (disregard the Wizard of Oz remark). Banjo, who is Tooty's brother along with his partner Kazooie go and rescue Tooty before Grunty can steal her looks. In this bizarre twisted game we learn all about banjo's polite manner and Kazooie's insulting manner. At the end of the battle with Gruntilda we witness the witch fall fromtower and is buried by the rock that falls with her, this sets up the events for Banjo-Tooie. In Tooie we still have the Witch and the duo but Tooty has disappeared (Maybe she commited suicide, who knows). Grunty is freed two years later and is the same without the flesh.A major change in this game is that Banjo and Kazooie can split up. here we realise that Banjo is defenseless without his buddy but still resourceful. Kazooie on the otherhand is still quiet strong even with herfriend. When we look at these two we can say that they are a great team. Also theirdialogue is quiet interesting and sometimes funny.

1.Mario (Super Mario 64) - Yes, as most of you could predict it is the Italian guy in red who saves Princess Peach from meeting her doom in Super Mario 64, the first Nintendo 64 game. If you own an N64 and don't own this game then you should hang your head in shame as you fail to have the first title ever produced on N64. The dialogue from mario is limited and spans from off, doh, grunt to i'ma tired or here we go. Mario is very capable at looking after himself in this game as he punches and kicks his way through the various worlds hidden in specific paintings and he searches for the 120 power stars. You can't help but admire Mario as this game set the standards for all modern day 3D adventure games. For number 1 it is hard to exactly explain Mario but I think that you can figure it out without my definition

Honourable Mentions: Donkey Kong, Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Conker and the Jet Force Gemini crew

Thank you for taking your time to read this and feel free to comment :)