I started looking into game design when i stummbled over blender and realized how hard it would be to make a game well any way i saw a couple of movies and would like to recommend some
all ratings out of 4
Superman Returns -
superman returns from space and returns to find a freed lex luther and must to to stop him from completting his evil plans, it has good action and story- *** 1/2
Pirates of the caribean 2
a continuation of the orignal, it folows jack sparrow how he searches for a chest which can save his life- action packed, has a lot of laughs ***
Hills have eyes
A family heads out for a vaction to california when there car breaks down in the middle of the desert and are attacked by cannibals- decent acting, bloody and i mean really bloody, story sort of predictible after the first couple of people die **
more reviews to come soon
darklordATK103 Blog
timesplitters 3
by darklordATK103 on Comments
i finished timesplitters 3 during the break but did not get to play dmc
almost done with 2 more games
by darklordATK103 on Comments
i am more than half-way finished with timesplitters 3 and devil may cry 3. I excpect to finish them by the end of spring break.
another game finished
by darklordATK103 on Comments
i finished goldeneye rogue agent today and that is the second game i beat out of the 4 i got last weekend
just finished new zelda game
by darklordATK103 on Comments
i just finished beating the minish cap with 14 hearts ,the magic boomerang and light arrows
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