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It's a WAR!!!!!

So, lately, I've been watching That Guy With The Glasses' videos, and let me say that he is a fyucking comedic mastermind. I don't particularly like his Bum Reviews, and I've yet to see a 5 Second movie, but his Nostalgia Critic and AskThatGuy segment's are brilliant. Don't believe me? Watch this, and please tell me you'll check an AskThatGuy or two.

Now lately, he's been feuding with The Angry Video Game Nerd, a similar kind of person who does video games in favor of movies. I can't necessarily call my self an AVGN fan, though, but to be fair, here's a linkto one of his vids, which is still worth a look. What started off as just one video "attack" to a response "attack"(watch, you poopyhead) has finally turned itself to the battle of all mothers, click if you dare.

Those too lazy to look, in it, The Nostalgia Critic, AVGN, and Captain S, who can be seen in that AVGN link I gave you, went into a massive battle, with TNC planing to review a game, and the AVGN a movie. Let me just say this is the mother of all wins. I just can't help but wonder what game TNC will have to review, or what movie AVGN will have to(here's hoping for the Mortal Kombat sequel). So, any fans of either one of these guys?

Song of the Blog:Dio does "War Pigs" with Sabbath. Not only can he sing better than Ozzy, but he can sing his songs better than him, too.

TV Show of the Blog:

Batman: The Animated Series. Possibly the most important TV show of all time. Easily one of the best. Not a better time to mention it, with the Dark Knight's new movies coming very soon, not to mention a certain fiasco. An episode, you ask? "Harley & Ivy" should fill that itch.