@Defender1978That's true but it seems the protests have died down too. By the way, have you seen the episode of 16 and Pregnant where some outraged viewer set fire to the MTV offices because the show was innapropriate?
I guess no one told her about the undercover studies made by groups on both political sides(one even states that fewer kids got away with buying M rated games than all other media with mature content) . I can think of a better way to solve this problem;
Instead of banning or even limiting those games, congress should make a law limiting the sale of last and current gen CONSOLES to 18 or older or with a legal parent. Stores should also make it a mandatory policy to inform all buyers about parental controls(Nintendo, Sony and MS could make leaflets describing them) whenever a purchase of one was made. Yes, it sounds asinine but it can work better than what they're doing on Capital Hill right now.
That's why I gave it quote marks. It seems some sites will put anything on a page to get some attention(i.e. the portable Neo Geo device that Famicom Plaza posted).
Look Patcher, we already got it when you talked about Wii. When you were a little kid, you got a NES for Christmas, got hit by the very first goomba in SMB, said Nintendo is for newborns then sold it for tickets to an R-rated movie. Just get over it, move on and QUIT REPORTING ABOUT GAMING, PERIOD!
Earlier today GS reported that a man died playing Diablo III for 40 hours. No disrespect to esports but I think this is a really innappropiate time to write this article considering the circumstances.
He's right about too much gore. What we need more than ever are kid friendly games like those on the NES(the kind where they do a good job stomping on your guts in at the first level).
darkmakyua's comments