the key with ico is that you need the original, digipacked issue, same with shadow of colossus - those will pick up in value i suspect, much like panzer saga did on the saturn
you wouldnt, they want to just control via a classic controller that's connected to the wiimote, i wanted it too, but unfortunately no, you need the gc controller. if wireless is a big bonus for you you've the wavebird as an option
d70k, no i didnt think it was a disappointment, but thats only because i knew exactly what it was going to be like before i got it, and so i looked at it as a £5 game bundled with a wiimote rather than a game in its own right. i've played through it and unlocked all the levels and not touched it since then. i really really really wouldnt recommend renting this game though, it is a bundled game with a wiimote, it has little to no value as a game on its own, unless, like jaysonguy said, you want to see what you can expect from the wiimote in future agme buys
i'd pick them up depending on how the end product turns out, wouldnt buy them just to try and encourage the release of more mature games, i don't have that kind of money unfortunately
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