Looking at the release calendar I just realized what month it is. It's almost the end of September. Upon that realization, another reality jumped up in the back of my mind and started dancing about a bit like a child who's proven himself right and is now taunting you with that fact. I haven't purchased a single game for my 360 for over a year now and have hardly turned it on for all of 2008. Anyone who's familiar with my postings will probably instantly jump in with "Of course you haven't! You're a huge Sony Fanboy! FaaaaaaannnnBooooiiiiiiiii!" I say, not true.
A little back storey. I've had my 360 since launch and have loved it. For the first 6 months I finished King Kong and Call of Duty 2 and played Joust till something good came along. My friends mocked me for spending so much on a platform only to play Joust for months, but I knew it would pay off eventually. Such are the risks of being an early adopter. It was about 5 months in when RROD reared it's ugly head playing Joust, and given the warranty was only 3 months at the time I grudgingly forked over $170 and a month later received a different unit. It worked fine (even though it left a bitter taste in my mouth having forked out almost $700 in total) but now the games started to pick up a bit. They extended the warranty to a year, promised I would get my $170 back and life was good. Just past the one year mark after exploring the world of Oblivion for a couple of hours, RROD. I called in and that was $170 as it was past the 1 year warranty. I pointed out they hadn't sent me my last $170 back yet. Not her department, but she'd look into it. Another $170 off my credit card, $75 for a 2 year extended warranty and off my 360 went again (they didn't even send a coffin this time). I had now spent almost $1000 on my 360. The shine was starting to come off a bit.
During the month and a bit it took them to send me a check for my $170 and ship me a refurbed console I turned to my PS2, sitting in the corner forgotten like it had been banished to the isle of misfit toys. I dusted it off and shockingly discovered, "Hey! This is still a lot of fun!" I played through some great games I had missed: MGS3, DMC3, God of War. When my 360 came back again, it was with a little sadness that I turned away from my PS2...but the promise of the 360 was strong! Dead Rising, Gears of War, Bioshock, Oblivion was calling still and the monster was yet to come...Halo 3!
It was during a visit to Rapture that I suddenly received a disk read error. I'm a 34 year old guy that didn't have much growing up, so I take good care of my things. Turning over my disk I was quite shocked by the circular rings o' damage on the disk. Flipping over a few other recently played games I found the same problem...my refurbed console was scratching my disks like a cheap hooker scratches backs.
At this point the warranty had been extended to 3 years. I called in to send my 360 off for repairs again, and find out where the hell my second $170 refund was. Here things started to get nutty. First, disk scratching isn't covered under the warranty. They suggested I stop moving around my console while playing. Helpful little nugget. Second, they had already rebated my $170 months ago. She couldn't quite grasp the concept that I had paid the $170 twice (who could blame her? Why on earth would anyone go through that twice?) After days and, I kid you not, a total of over 4 hours on the phone getting bounced around from person to person, they finally admitted they still owed me $170 (after forcing me to provide proof I had paid this..you'd think they'd have that kind of thing on file). I also twisted their arm and they agreed to take back this replacement console, which I had only had for a couple of months (the one year rule for replacement consoles only covers rrod), simply because I had shelled out $75 for the extended warranty the last time I went through this.
I had bought a PS3 at launch, but the big, black, George Foreman Grill looking thing had remained unplayed after having finished Resistance Fall of Man. Afraid to play any of my 360 games for fear of them being rendered unplayable, and then due to losing my 360 console again to repairs for a month I played my PS3 and guess what? It was pretty good! Online was bare bones but serviceable and I stared to snatch up multiconsole titles, despite the moaning I read online about inferior PS3 ports. I never once noticed anything that hampered my enjoyment of the games I bought. Halo 3 launched while my 360 was away being repaired and I vowed to purchase all my future multiconsole games on my PS3.
When my 360 came back it came with a free month of XBL gold, which I had been paying for since launch. I finished Halo 3 a couple of times, played online and let racist, homophobic 12 year olds scream insults at me while they repeatedly handed my ass to me, until my free month expired then cancelled my XBL gold - traded in Halo 3 for a shiny new copy of COD4 for my PS3 and away I went.
Fast forward a year and here we are, and I'm not quite sure what the hell happened. My 360 was still my favourite console, I bought one for a friend as a wedding gift (his wife was overjoyed), I recommended it to anyone that happened past my office at work, I had many enjoyable hours spent playing on my 360. In the forums, someone pointed out that, despite professing my love for the 360, my gamerID showed I'd only played the console for 4 days this year. Certainly that couldn't be correct. But it is.
I remember the excitement of last year, the promise of Bioshock and Halo - and they didn't disappoint. This year everything I've been looking forward to have been multiconsole releases, or PS3 exclusives. I went back over 360 releases for 2008 and was surprised that no 360 exclusives interested me in the slightest, not even Ninja Gaiden (didn't care for the last one).
Gears 2 and Fable 2 are right around the corner and I have these pre-ordered, but what the hell happened to the other 9 months out of the year? Microsoft really hit their stride in 2007 and I realize now with a little sadness, appear to have rolled over and gone to sleep. While the PS3 has been expanding, upgrading and improving month over month - the 360... not so much.
My PS3 was forced on me through video game necessity. I found I couldn't rely on my 360. The realities of the 360's hardware problems I'm sure have changed many a gamers habits over the years, but this change to my gaming preferences was a gradual one and still surprise me how subtly this shift occurred. Perhaps I'll favour my 360 again for a bit when Gears and Fable hit, but after that....I don't see anything on the horizon. If my 360 rrod's again on me outside of my extended warranty - I truly believe I won't be missing out on much if I choose not to shell out another $170 to replace it.
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