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darkrunner Blog

There She Is!!

A friend of mine just passed this series along to me, and it's the best thing I've ever seen come out of flash. Apparently, according to wikipedia, the first one was really popular in 2004, but I've never heard of them before now. They're great videos, though, only 3-5 minutes each, and I recommend them all. (especially the last one, how I love the music!) The first one was called "There She Is!!" and so that's the title of the whole series, with steps 2-4 having subtitles after that. They were made by SamBakZa, three Korean animators. (amalloc, sogong, and songhwa) Enjoy!

Step 1:

Step 2, Cake Dance:

Step 3, Doki and Nabi:

Step 4, Paradise:

Step 5, Imagine:

Best Pixar film, hands down

When last I updated, I was in a Code Geass obsession. Well, I finished the angst-y anime, and after jumping around between Nartuo, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Sugar Sugar Rune (actually, it's a pretty good fantasy manga), I've gone to a movie I actually saw this summer. WALL-E.

I've always been a Pixar fan, since Pixar is the only animation company left in this country that makes good films. I lost all respect for Dreamworks with Shrek 2 and 3. I couldn't even FINISH 3, it was so bad. Meanwhile, the only sequel Pixar currently has out is Toy Story 2, which was very good for a sequel, and certainly not abad movie. They've got Toy Story 3 and Cars 2 in the making, as well, but I have faith that they'll be good. Not to mention that Pixar has always been the fore-runner in the computer animation world. That probably has something to do with them starting as a branch of Lucasfilm.

Anyway, I love all the Pixar films and shorts, but WALL-E is by far, the best and my favorite. I don't know if I ranted about it when I saw it in theaters (most likely not, since that was right before I left for Australia) but it is quite honestly the best film I've ever seen in theaters. Maybe I shouldn't praise it too much, in case I get all yourexpectations too high and it lets you down, but I really don't see how it could. First off, the main two protagonists are basically slightly more articulate R2D2s (three if you count M-O), and the first 45 minutes of the film has no speaking characters outside of a 30-60 second explanation of why the earth is covered in trash (courtesy of Fred Willard as CEO of a fictional superstore/governement) and a couple clips from the 1969 version of Hello, Dolly! We're doing Hello, Dolly! for the spring musical this year, and I decided that was a good enough excuse to go rent WALL-E, since I loved it so much the first time around.

Despite the protagonists not "talking" (they are able to speak each others' names, which is honestly all that was needed. Elissa Knight and Ben Burtt did a fabulous job with convenying emotions though only 3 words and a bunch of beeps and non-word noises) I was not bored once though the film, though since I'm an anime geek, I'm getting used to long uninteruppted shots of characters staring into space and not talking. (especially since I'm in the middle of .hack//sign) Thomas Newman had a fantastic score, and if you don't melt at "Define Dancing", you have less of a heart than the robots.

The most surprising thing about the film is that it's a romance, since it wasn't especially marketed as such. Yes, it's most definitely sci-fi, and it's got drama and adventure, but main plot of the movie as driven by WALL-E, is a romance. Sure, there's the whole plant thing, but it's EVE WALL-E cares about, not the plant. (or at least not as much the plant) There has been a lot of criticism of the "messages" that the movie supposedly conveys, and they are all unintentional. I've heard everything from the first trailers to director Andew Stanton's commentary track on the movie, and he never intended to comment on anything political/social. He wanted to make a movie about the last robot on earth, who also happened to be a garbage compactor because that's about the lowest job he could think of. The plant, EVE, and the whole second and third acts came from there. I'm currently looking into this, but I suspect that a recent movie that DID have a political agenda was Happy Feet. I just can't see all that stuff being crammed into a movie without a reason. But that's what WALL-E looks like, so I'll research and get back to you.

Amazing VISUALS!! Pixar has outdone everything you've ever seen with this one. Things honestly look real. Live-action. That is why I look down on Disney and the rest jumping on the CG bandwagon, but applaud Pixar. They started it, and they're the best.

So in short, if you haven't, see WALL-E! It's my vote for the best movie of the year, and I'll be eagerly waiting for the Oscar nominations to see if it can squeeze into the Best Picture category.

Villetta/Ohgi and Suzaku/Euphie: TWO new favorite pairings from Code Geass?

Well, I'm still going in and out of Suzaku/Euphie, but Villetta/Ohgi's a definite. Although now that I've seen all of season 1, Chigusa is like a completely different person. So much that I'm not going to call her Villetta. Seriously. It's Villetta's Rin and Chigusa is Tohru. Or Kisa. O_o;; Even with selective amnesia... dang. Not to mention it's Megan Hollingshead's voice coming out of nice character. And not the Nurse Joy voice. The Mai voice. Weeeiiird.

I was just watching 22 (Bloodstained Euphie) on youtube. and there were bunched of comments to the effect of "poor Lelouch!" THE HELL WITH LELOUCH! Euphie's five hundred times more innocent that he ever was, and you're sympathizing with him?! I don't care if it's not his fault!

Anyways, now I'm a Code Geass fan. I've watched a bit of R2, and now I have a question. I watched all of episodes 15 and 16; how in the world do Ohgi and Villetta survive the fall? And the kunai? They fall, and the next thing I knew, Ohgi was back on the ship and giving Dieter funny looks. No explanation at ALL. Did they explain it beforehand somehow and I missed it?

I'll just have to watch ALL of Code Geass, then.

I forget how this all started now, but after discovering that Megan Hollingshead does voices for both Gurren Lagann and Code Geass, I spent the afternoon watching said series. I started Gurren Lagann from episode 15, then jumped back to 11 and 12--not watching all of any episode--and started Code Geass at 14 and watched through 17. Yes, I am very confused. ^_^;; I am also impatient, and unable to find information on her characters since they're sort of minor, SO:

Any Code Geass fans out there! Can anyone tell me what episodes the character Villetta Nu is in? I've seen 14, 15, and 16, but from the summaries, it looks like she's in earlier ones, too. The dub only goes up to... 23? And it looks like there's cool stuff with her and Ohgi later on, so I'll just have to wait for those. I don't care about spoilers. I already read everything on wikipedia. I saw who dies, gets shot, stabbed, married, etc. I'm thinking her and Ohgi are going to become one of my new favorite pairings... and NOT just because Megan voices her. :P Though I have been fangirl-ing over her all afternoon. Does that sound weird? I just really like strong female characters. (why I like Rukia or Tatsuki with Ichigo rather than Orihime, for example) Kind of in a role model way, only not THAT much. Just... it's cool to have strong women in anime to relate to. Or something. Whatever. And Megan's half of my favorite pairing, as you all know. I'm thinking of tracking down all her voice work in other animes and trying to fit it into season 4 of Yugioh. Or really wishing SOMEONE would. I don't really have the time. I don't have the time to watch these series, either!

Fanfiction Contest Sign Up Time!!

You know you want to!! It's the infamous, the legendary...Computerfreak101's Yugioh Challenge Pairings Fanfiction Contest!!! Season 5.

You get a pairing. You get a week to write a one-shot. At the end of the week, everyone votes. Whoever has the least votes is nicely escorted off the premises. It's insanely frustrating at times, challenging, and completely worth it. You'll have a load of fun, and get better as a writer. So come on! Join the fanfiction contest! :D

Gone Dark - Protest the change

On September 30th, a protest is being staged on per the new changes. I believe it has something to do with CBS buying, they made all these changes and didn't ask the users, when IS A USER-RUN WEBSITE. We submit the information, we moderate the forums, we edit the shows . Basically all the staff does is maintain the website servers and stuff, as far as I can tell. (I apologize if I'm wrong)

So, on September 30th, we're protesting. The way it works is you just don't log in to AT ALL on September 30th, and it'll show up on all our profiles and the website traffic that no one was on the site that day. To spread the word, here's an icon for uploading:

RENT (the broadway version) in Movie Theaters!

No, not the Chris Columbus-directed version from 2005. RENT was filmed on Broadway, and that film is being shown in movie theaters across the country this week!

I most likely won't be going, since it's $20, and I spent a good deal of money last week for THIS:

Hi Alexis, signed, Anthony Rapp...yes, it was unnecessary to post the whole ticket. :oops: Can you blame me? I don't meet famous actors very often.

End of an era

I can't believe I forgot. :? I don't desesrve to call myself a RENT-head anymore.

This past Sunday, September 7th, RENT had its final performance on Broadway.

I wish I lived in New York.

Also, there is a version of RENT filmed live on Broadway that will be in theaters on September 24, 25, 27, and 28th. (wed, thurs, sat, sun) Details can be found here:

And now I'm off to finish my paper on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder...

Nausicaa borrows from West Side Story

In keeping with my previous post about Miyazaki-sensei's latest movie, here's a bit about his classic, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. I was rewatching it today, because it's one of my favorites of his. I won't describe what happens in this part of the movie this is for fear of spoilers, but it's at the end of the movie, and those who have seen it will hopefully be able to identify it.

From :25 - :40, does anything sound familiar?

About :41-:53 would be the corresponding part. Nausicaa borrows music from West Side Story. :lol:

Ponyo, Miyazaki's latest, to come out in US next year!

Yay! :D ANN posted that Times confirmed that Disney is releasing Ponyo on a Cliff next year. (lol, enough sources?) ANN article

So, what's everyone's thoughts on Ponyo? I have to admit, it's not the kind of film I'd normally watch, but it's Miyazaki-sensei. I prefer a little more... action, I guess. ^_^;; My favorite Miyazaki is Princess Mononoke, then either Nausicaa or Spirited. (though I also have to admit, Kiki ALWAYS makes me smile. I can't walk away from that movie in a bad mood.) What are your guys favorites?