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darntay09 Blog

Xbox 360

Hello all out there in the internet. I was pleasantly suprised to find out that an Xbox 360 is in my future. Hopefully if all the stars are in line I'll be able to get it on or near Christmas. There is little thought giong into which games I'm getting, reason being there is three that i really hope to get. Ihave a list of the topthree games that I'm hoping to get this holiday season. There others that I will hope to get after the New Year.

1. Mass EffectMass Effect cover

What much is there to say, Visuals, Story, Gameplay. if you've been living under a rock for the past 2 or 3 years I do not need to describe this to you. But for the noobs to the gaming world watch this instead.


2. Assassin's CreedAssassin's Creed

One of the most anticapted games of E3 07' this games is based on the Holy Wars. You are Altair, an assassin, how goes around killing people, but not ruthless killing. Watch this video.


3. BioshockBioshock

Bioshock is a game that makes you make many different desicions depending on your own stye of gameplay. This game is for me since its a shooter and it is a mystery were you must figure it out from beginning to end. Watch this.


Too Human Interview

I was recently watching the Too Human interview with Denis Dyack I will have to say I strongly agree with him. Just him talking about it made me think. I think if there was one single system that would mean that third and possible first party developers would be able to create good games for a single console wich gets rid of the hassle of choosing which console to buy.There would be little competition to create a better console all they would have to do is put there heads together and create one powerful console.


For example, If Microsoft and Sony would combine (very unlikely) they could combine Blu-Ray and HD DVD or make a new software format, the possibilities are virtualy endless. The main point that I'm trying to get across is that it would reduce the cost of the consoles and the games, plus you would not have to roll pennies if you want to get two concsole from different companies. If anyone has any comments please feel free to leave a message.


gta 4

I'm sure that most of you heard about the recent news about GTA 4's delay. Like most GTA games anticipation is very high. To me though it does not matter when it comes out but what time of game play there is to offer.I think many people are taking it a little to seriously, after all its just a game.If any one has any comments they would like to say please feel free to do. I'm sorry about the long time since the lastblog but i had other things to do.


First Blog


This is my first blog entry so I'll will try to get it up to date. There isnt much to say on your first blog so I will tell you some things that may be in later blogs, PS3 news, new computer stuff, and much more. Untill next time
