Hello all out there in the internet. I was pleasantly suprised to find out that an Xbox 360 is in my future. Hopefully if all the stars are in line I'll be able to get it on or near Christmas. There is little thought giong into which games I'm getting, reason being there is three that i really hope to get. Ihave a list of the topthree games that I'm hoping to get this holiday season. There others that I will hope to get after the New Year.
1. Mass Effect
What much is there to say, Visuals, Story, Gameplay. if you've been living under a rock for the past 2 or 3 years I do not need to describe this to you. But for the noobs to the gaming world watch this instead.
2. Assassin's Creed
One of the most anticapted games of E3 07' this games is based on the Holy Wars. You are Altair, an assassin, how goes around killing people, but not ruthless killing. Watch this video.
3. Bioshock
Bioshock is a game that makes you make many different desicions depending on your own stye of gameplay. This game is for me since its a shooter and it is a mystery were you must figure it out from beginning to end. Watch this.
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