darrencloud123's forum posts
[QUOTE="rogerjak"][QUOTE="americahellyeah"][QUOTE="rogerjak"][QUOTE="EL_MEXICAN"][QUOTE="ScottEFresh"][QUOTE="americahellyeah"][QUOTE="Symphonycometh"][QUOTE="brandojones"][QUOTE="wraigth"][QUOTE="brandojones"][QUOTE="Symphonycometh"][QUOTE="EL_MEXICAN"][QUOTE="wraigth"][QUOTE="initiald411"][QUOTE="moshakirby"][QUOTE="Devils_Joker_22"][QUOTE="brandojones"][QUOTE="FatCat360"][QUOTE="Symphonycometh"][QUOTE="hazelnutman"][QUOTE="moshakirby"][QUOTE="greenleaf2000"][QUOTE="IllegalGamer"][QUOTE="meetah13"][QUOTE="hwardrocks"][QUOTE="HellsAngel2c"][QUOTE="G-Legend"][QUOTE="KrazyC18"][QUOTE="santi12345"][QUOTE="rptransam09"][QUOTE="Paper_Knife"][QUOTE="wizzardjeff"][QUOTE="machine_B"][QUOTE="wraigth"][QUOTE="PS360Fanboy"][QUOTE="Always-Honest"][QUOTE="brandojones"]I hope so.:?americahellyeah
hoping with you.
im praying
Hoping with you too
hoping, hoping, hoping.
Ho ho ho
hoping with everyonehoping as well
HOPING as well
and hoping
Hoping with the restwe can all hope :D
Hoping more then everyone else :P
hoping more than everyone else+ 1! ;)
hoping aswell
Hoping more than everheres to all of us hoping.
Hoping sixteen!
Let me get into some of this sweet hoping action :D
I'm turning 18 and I'm hopping on the 18th hoper.:)
I hope I can see a demo for christmas.
Well...I'm still hoping...:|
Hoping more than ALLL of you, so there.
Now hoping that admins don't close the thread or that the thread goes off topic, infact, ignore what I just wrote.
The tower of hope lets hope it works
if hoping is a crime then i guess im going to jail "don't pass go, don't collect 200 pounds".
Hoping Too
Let the tower of hope grow!
Demo 07 and game Q1 08 For the Win!
What was the question again...:? whatever, I hope I remember to hope something.
the TC has the best hope thread ever created.
here i go hoping some-more.
I was the first hoper, haha.:lol: So, I wonder it it will come out.
Feel proud!:P Here's hoping!
our pyramid of hope shall touch the clouds!
heres hoping :)
Hope on it!
Holping some more! get it?
helping, hoping together
I hope, With you guys or without that we have a demo soon.Hopes.
larger quote ever
lol, i hope we get an online beta, maybe an xmas present from sony :D
I That would make a great X-mas gift :DMore hope btw.
maybe our insane amount of hope will touch the hearts of the sony employees to release the beta!
*throws more hope on the pile*
we can only hopeIm sure Sony had it well designed for watching Blu-ray movies, no worries i'd say
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