I threw the mashed taters into a bowl with my stuffing and poure the gravy on it, to keep it separate from my turkey. I'll sometimes mix the corn in there too.
dartboy2's forum posts
Well, In summary, I'm proud of you Canadians and midwesterners calling it 'pop' like me. I have heard that surrounding Atlanta, "Coke" is what you call ~all~ cabonated beverages, cuz they have alot of manufacturing pride there.I lived in Austin,Texas for two years when I wasn't in Cleveland, and they called it "soda water" there, which was dorky to me!
Usually the profile page promotes recommendedpopular videos currently 'the rage', unless your homepage doesn't show that for some reason. I have some rock faves wirh 2 million hits, but it isn't why I watch them. I've watched vids with 100 hits as well.More fun would be to try to see which are the ~lowest~ number of hits!
It's largely called "pop" here in Cleveland, Ohio "Soda" refers to club soda and quinine hard liquor mixers - and "Pop" which is mixed with iced cream. "Coke" only refers to the actual branded product itself.If you ask for "Coke" at a restaurant, they will inform you if it is Pepsi they have instead, before taking your order.
@pikdum: Wow I'm in Ohio, and Ron Paul is the man!
(N0) That's that 'Werner Erhard' EST stuff...... Or the US Marines. At least with the Marines, it's a submission training thing.
Voted for him in the Ohio (R) primary in 2008, and will again if he makes it, that lovable nut!
Learn to spell "English' before posting at GS!
Finally, the War with Canada begins!
Mine started dropping out at 23. Bothers others, but not myself. Most guys just go shave-head early these days.
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