Making that bullsh!t statement was pretty much insult enough to most people on GS, but now that you are also including a video to show how the editors are with this; its all sickening. What you dont understand is the people here dont want some video because they will assume its made of lies and you are just trying to calm them down. Whats best is that you could totally fix this mess with a few things.
-First you dont even need to admit what you supposedly did.
-Reinstate Jeff Gerstman, but he will refuse so offer pay increase.
-Fire Larson now and put someone else in that position (possibly Jeff?)
-Make a public appology over Jeff's termination
Suddenly, all of your problems are fixed. You will have more subscribers then ever because you listened to what people wanted instead of spewing more bullsh!t like you are now. People will continue to be upset, boycott Eidos games and rage against the machine (some have even been saying Nazis). One more thing as well, try to get the mods on your side because atm, they dont give a F^ck about what anyone here is doing because of you.
Edit: When I wrote this, I didnt listen to the podcast thing until later and i didnt see the other updates they made and Gamespot seems to be in the right direction. As for the editors, sorry you guys have to deal with all this sh!t atm. And also, I think that Larson should still be fired or resign for what happened.
We shouldnt be fighting against gamespot, editors or anything at all, we should be fighting to get Jeff reinstated and to find out the true reasons for his termination.
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