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darth-revan Blog

Bad dicisions GS (edited)

Making that bullsh!t statement was pretty much insult enough to most people on GS, but now that you are also including a video to show how the editors are with this; its all sickening. What you dont understand is the people here dont want some video because they will assume its made of lies and you are just trying to calm them down. Whats best is that you could totally fix this mess with a few things.

-First you dont even need to admit what you supposedly did.

-Reinstate Jeff Gerstman, but he will refuse so offer pay increase.

-Fire Larson now and put someone else in that position (possibly Jeff?)

-Make a public appology over Jeff's termination

Suddenly, all of your problems are fixed. You will have more subscribers then ever because you listened to what people wanted instead of spewing more bullsh!t like you are now. People will continue to be upset, boycott Eidos games and rage against the machine (some have even been saying Nazis). One more thing as well, try to get the mods on your side because atm, they dont give a F^ck about what anyone here is doing because of you.

Edit: When I wrote this, I didnt listen to the podcast thing until later and i didnt see the other updates they made and Gamespot seems to be in the right direction. As for the editors, sorry you guys have to deal with all this sh!t atm. And also, I think that Larson should still be fired or resign for what happened.

We shouldnt be fighting against gamespot, editors or anything at all, we should be fighting to get Jeff reinstated and to find out the true reasons for his termination.

Does one even need to ask?

Jeff Gesterman has been one of the best reviewers on this site, and has always made things both entertaining and interesting. From his memorable moments (On the Spot every week, numerous reviews and hilarious mood) to his infamous criminal side (Legend of Zelda, Tony Hawk 3......), things have never really seemed to be boring for Jeff.

But you know, something about this "termination" doesnt seem right at all. Actually, let me fix my previous statement, NOTHING about this feels right. From Kane and Lynch being pimped all over the site to not at all, to the video review being pulled, to the fact that GS has issued a complete bullsh!t statement and that sources (well sites more accuratly) are constantly saying theres more to this then there seems. If there was some disconect to all the basic story of what happened, it would be another tin foil hat story, but here the thing- there are none.

There are absolutely no holes in the story. There is nothing that seems out of place. There is nothing that seems wrong other than what was supposedly done.

True or not however, Jeff Gesterman seems to be going the route of the martyr and went out with a complete and total bang that has never happened to this site. And it seems fitting that Jeff ended his career at gamespot just as controversial as his career was at gamespot. However if Gamespot wants to have things fixed, they need a statement from Jeff himself to clear things up, no matter how private it was. Until they do that, Jeff will be celebrated as one of the best writers in the industry for fighting for what he believed in.

(penny arcade comic sums up the issue nicel, Fight! )

On a side note, this has all taught me something, that I need to fight for free speech no matter the cost. I will not be posting blogs unedited and posting on forums unedited for the cause of fighting for free speech. To the mods, I want you to rememeber a qoute from John Locke who said," I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death the right to defend it".

Got my 360 back!

My 360 died in april and since I have been trying to get another some how, and a few days ago I did! Now Im trying to get my saves back in all my games, including oblivion in which I am missing 400 hours of gaming >.

resident evil 4, buy it now!

everybody im asuming you have a ps2[if you dont what the       f#$% is wrong with you] buy resident evil 4 right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

review fixes

well i fixed some of my review scores such as half-life 2 upgrading to the score of 10[the only 10 ive ever given] quake 4 a 8.5 and ff7 im thinking of upgrading to a 10 i dunno for now but there will be more changes soon

O S@#^!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIABLO3 is coming!!!!!!!

diablo IS my favorite RPG of all time,  more than kotor, more than FF7 more than even crono cross. i still love ti that much and is still that fun to play today and probably always will be. blizzard is hiring people with experience in making rpgs and computer games with human and NON-HUMAN animations. if this is true im cutting school the day i get it [and work] and playing it for days....

the next-gen weapons of mass destruction and who will be fireing....

i've found that every system has something that makes it have a wow factor of some sort. if a console does not  have such a wow factor immeditly it tends to either die or fade away [dreamcast, all the handhelds challenging nintendo except sony] when the ps2 was revealed it showed a whole new world of graphic technology for the same console price we were paying at the time, so we immedietly said 'hey f*** dreamcast buy ps2!!!' of course we waited and bought it and what superb games did we get, a firework simulator [no im not joking go check a search now for a game called fantavision and you'll laugh] so far were seeing the people who will be leading the next gen war and the weapons that drive them:

-xbox 360:gears of war looks f***ing amazing and looks to be the real killer app for 360 but its merely holding the assault from ps3 till the cavellery arrives [halo 3,will be shown at e3 this year or it comes out in 2008 i garuntee you. the main weapon that drives the 360 happends to be xbox live. its online service and ranking system has awards and accolades like my gamespot account does, it tells you what games you been playing, whats your favorite, what rank you are and even the meaning of life[o.k. not really] so why cant everybody be impressed with this service? the only problem is that it isnt so much next-gen as it is a super xbox.

-ps3: im sure youve seen it at least once or even looked at it watched the trailer or something! metal gear solid 3 is leading the ps3 and final fantasy 13 or whatever wont come out for a very long time soits jsut mgs and a legion of kojima fans [ like me, yes, you could probably call me a metal gear fanboy] to fight for it but really ps3 has only one huge weapon its using, its huge proccesing power can refresh a screen 120 times oer second[ no tv on market in teh world or prjector can do that speeds im sorry] but the price its going to have isnt ganna be cheap.

-revolution has really nothing fighting for it, the usual smash bros., zelda, and mario. if it cant roll one of them out at launch nintendo will be hurting but it doesn ahve backwards compatability [which im buying it for]. so ya, nintendo has the army of the dead fighting for it from all its consoles so you know its going to be worth it. the really big thing is the controller however. its a big giant nuke aimed to take out sony and microsoft in one quick sweep. it could take out one of them, both, or flop back and hit nintendo. its a wild card nobody knows. the bad thing about the revolution is the graphics my sources tell me, are barely better than regular gamecube stuff.

so thats it choose 1,2, or all 3 of them but bewarned you see they're strengths and flaws and who's leading them. so choose which one to fit your lifestyle. in other words if your rich enough for ps3 your probably rich enough for all of them.