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the next-gen weapons of mass destruction and who will be fireing....

i've found that every system has something that makes it have a wow factor of some sort. if a console does not  have such a wow factor immeditly it tends to either die or fade away [dreamcast, all the handhelds challenging nintendo except sony] when the ps2 was revealed it showed a whole new world of graphic technology for the same console price we were paying at the time, so we immedietly said 'hey f*** dreamcast buy ps2!!!' of course we waited and bought it and what superb games did we get, a firework simulator [no im not joking go check a search now for a game called fantavision and you'll laugh] so far were seeing the people who will be leading the next gen war and the weapons that drive them:

-xbox 360:gears of war looks f***ing amazing and looks to be the real killer app for 360 but its merely holding the assault from ps3 till the cavellery arrives [halo 3,will be shown at e3 this year or it comes out in 2008 i garuntee you. the main weapon that drives the 360 happends to be xbox live. its online service and ranking system has awards and accolades like my gamespot account does, it tells you what games you been playing, whats your favorite, what rank you are and even the meaning of life[o.k. not really] so why cant everybody be impressed with this service? the only problem is that it isnt so much next-gen as it is a super xbox.

-ps3: im sure youve seen it at least once or even looked at it watched the trailer or something! metal gear solid 3 is leading the ps3 and final fantasy 13 or whatever wont come out for a very long time soits jsut mgs and a legion of kojima fans [ like me, yes, you could probably call me a metal gear fanboy] to fight for it but really ps3 has only one huge weapon its using, its huge proccesing power can refresh a screen 120 times oer second[ no tv on market in teh world or prjector can do that speeds im sorry] but the price its going to have isnt ganna be cheap.

-revolution has really nothing fighting for it, the usual smash bros., zelda, and mario. if it cant roll one of them out at launch nintendo will be hurting but it doesn ahve backwards compatability [which im buying it for]. so ya, nintendo has the army of the dead fighting for it from all its consoles so you know its going to be worth it. the really big thing is the controller however. its a big giant nuke aimed to take out sony and microsoft in one quick sweep. it could take out one of them, both, or flop back and hit nintendo. its a wild card nobody knows. the bad thing about the revolution is the graphics my sources tell me, are barely better than regular gamecube stuff.

so thats it choose 1,2, or all 3 of them but bewarned you see they're strengths and flaws and who's leading them. so choose which one to fit your lifestyle. in other words if your rich enough for ps3 your probably rich enough for all of them.