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darth_trevhat Blog

Why Modnation Racers is so awesome

My x-Wing Pilot Mod

We all know there are a ton of racing games (many of them cart racing); but few are of any quality, and fewer that appeal to the non-racing gamers but nothing comes close to Modnation Racers!!! Tight controls, literally INFINITE possibilities to create carts, characters, and tracks and the ability to sport and share your creations with others in a "Home" like environment. All tied together with an easy to use interface that makes every aspect of this game scream fun and induce an "OMG the ice cream man is coming!!!!!!" state in gamers of all ages. But I won't lie to you, the game is certainly not without its flaws. MNR has incredibly long load times but when you consider the detail in each and everybody's character and cart (just consider the guy I made above, he's made up of approximately 500 stickers!!!!)... in my opinion, the long loading is understood. Also, the story-line (as such as it is) is extremely corny, and seems to be focused towards 6 to 8 year-olds but some of the jokes are kinda funny and if the cheese is too much for ya, you can skip every cut-scene... besides, who expects rich plot and character development from any racing game let alone a cart racing game. Finally, as of yet, there doesn't seem to be any way to mute players but so far that hasn't been a real big issue for me. Really though, I can't think of much else wrong with it at the moment and those drawbacks are easily out weighed by the shear fun of the game so I highly recommend checking it out. On a final note, those of you who are maybe avoiding this title because of fears Little Big Planet instilled, take heart!!! The creative side to MNR is extremely easy to use. There isn't endless hours of required tutorials to create, and right out of the gate you are given enough options to work with to truly let your imagination run wild.

10 tips for Online FPS noobs

These tips, for the most part, are bits of advice that have been passed on to me by several seasoned online FPS gamers that I've come to find invaluable. In no way shape or form do I claim to be an authority on this matter and this list is not necessarily what makes a good online FPS gamer...

They are merely a collection of things that have made me a better shooter.

1) You are not the hero of the story: Undoubtedly the hardest thing to get used to in a online FPS is the fact that you are going to die… a LOT!! Quite often, we are SO used to being the hero of the story, and being nearly invincible in compared to the dimwitted AI soldiers, that it's hard to accept constant death. In fact, if a typical game was as hard as an online FPS, resulting in the same number of deaths… most of us would turn down the difficulty or would stop playing altogether. But on the battlefields of OFPSs, difficultly is determined by the skill and experience of the other players. Here are a couple of tricks to over coming this: 1) don't take it personally…. He/she is not stalking you… you just happened to be the one who walked into their cross hairs…. again 2). Yeah you're dead but wasn't that a great kill? Learn to appreciate the awesomeness that was your death, because next time it might be you on the happy end of that smoking barrel.

2) Economy of motion: just like in chess, you never want to move, simply for the sake of moving because unless it's the sort of game where EVERYBODY is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, everything you do should be deliberate: know where you are headed before you leave your current spot and go there!! In my opinion, if you are Oscar Mike, it should always be from cover to cover taking the time to scan for hostile movement. Standing in the open to think about where you are headed, changing your direction, run-and-gunning or simply wandering can leave you with your pants down and means that you're more likely to be the one to get surprised... and killed.

3) Aim with your feet: PC gamers often complain about having to use an analog stick as opposed to a mouse in order to aim; and while it is trickier, many of us console gamers have developed or rather perfected the art of aiming with their feet. Large, fast movements should obviously be made with the "upper body" analog but to fine tune that shot it pays to train yourself to aim with the "lower body" or movement analog. Not only will you be faster shot, but you're now also a moving target...And that means you're harder to hit.

4) Know your environment: unless you study the maps before you play (and seriously, who does that?) obviously you won't be able to know all maps inside and out right from the start. But you can ALWAYS use the immediate environment to your advantage whether it is familiar or not. For example; stick close to walls, they're your best cover - you know a wall isn't going to shoot at you ;). By staying close to walls, you movements will also be less noticeable. Also learn the maps as best as you can as soon as you can (take advantage of rounds with few people to explore and find areas you are comfortable in; good ambush points etc. Don't camp, but there's nothing wrong with favoring certain areas.

5) Check your weapon: RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD…. Would you rather get into a fire fight with a full clip or one with 5 rounds? Full clip right? Then why are you running around with 5 bullets? As SOON as you can, you should ALWAYS be reloading, sure on the odd occasion you might get caught in the reload, but it's not as likely as running out of bullets mid-fight… and then guess who's going home to mommy in a body bag?

6) Fight alone and you'll die alone: "Lone wolfing" is a common trait of new players (and some veterans ;) ) and goes back to the video game hero complex that many of us have gained from playing single player campaigns. The online battlefield is a dynamic, ever evolving environment where nothing is scripted but the background effects like crap blowing in the wind…. which makes it infinitely more lethal than your average single-player VG battlefield where after a few run throughs, you know where and when to expect exactly how many guys to pop out. So how do you protect yourself in an environment that has an ever evolving front line? You find a buddy and you stick with him!!! How many times have you been caught off guard and panicked (even if slightly) when you realize that the one target you're about to shoot is actually two, no wait, three contacts emerging from a tree line? The split second of indecision it takes to assess the situation (which one do you shoot?) can make the difference of being riddled with holes… or being the one doing the riddling….. Furthermore, most games provide the ability to customize your load out which means two players can take kits that complement each other… and you should!!! There is strenght in numbers. unless it is straight up deathmatch, then there's mass blood shed in numbers :P

7) Panic button = melée. Every FPS I've played has a melée attack and whether its a knife strike or the butt of your rifle, it is lethal in every game!!! And yes, it sure is fun to sneak up and knife the guy too busy looking out a window to watch his own back but the melée attack can, with practice, become an incredibly effective panic button too! For example, you are Oscar Mike from where ever to where ever, and as you round the corner or break down a door, you suddenly come face to face with another player, in a panic you start to shoot but if you had have just meleed you'd already be on your marry way looking for your next tango.

8) Target assessment (or crowd control): it's like Kenny Rogers says "you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em"; the name of the game is "shoot the red guys" which seems pretty straight forward. But is it really? Firing at absolutely every contact you see, MIGHT get you a boat load of kills, but more likely it's going to prematurely give away your position to all the wrong people, not to mention the fact that the guy you just nicked with one bullet out of 30... Knows where you are, has a full clip, AND now has a grudge while you... have to reload. The moral here is this: generally don't shoot unless you "know" you can kill your target. "Target Assessment" also includes learning to quickly prioratize your targets; decidng which target to shoot at first of a group is critical to survival when you're out numbered!! This generally, is done by deciding who is, or is going to be, the biggest threat to you the soonest. Obviously guys/gals that see you need to go down the quickest. But what if they don't see you? If you can see their Rank or Level, Higher-ups/Officers should be high on the list of "first to die"(they're probably the better players). And if the game includes classes, Medics should also be high on the list (if they die, nobody's coming back). Ultimately however, target assessment isn't black and white; its very situational and largely comes with experience but basically try to think like a "real" soldier and you will find yourself playing signifcantly better.

9) Are you the hunter or the hunted? As the predators we are, one of our primary means of identifying targets is through motion and as general rule; if it moves... Shoot it!!! This may seem obvious and in a sense it is but what does that really mean in the OFPS gaming world? It means if you don't need to move... Don't. By this I don't encourage camping but I do suggest your movements be slow and deliberate; I've spotted and dropped countless dudes because they were jumping around, or flailing about when if they had have just hunkered down and sat still I wouldn't have seen them and they'd still be alive! It's also much easier to spot contacts through their motions, when you aren't moving.

10) Watch and learn: dead? Don't worry because most games let you watch a kill cam... Which you should because that guy/girl did something right and survived while you're taking dirt naps. By watching kill cams or even just watching what your squad mates do (especially the more seasoned players) you'll see little tricks that you might not otherwise think of but most importantly, you'll start to see what you did wrong and why you came out on the losin end.

Just an old killer hired to do some wet work

So I've been MIA for over a year: I wasn't gaming and my moderator duties at another website have kept me away....

but no more!!!!!

I bought a PS3 on Friday and I'm back in action so I imagine I'll be back around more often.

So to quote the ever-awesome Snake

"Hero? I'm no hero. I'm just an old killer hired to do some wet work....."

Oct.16 is too far away:(

So the date has been set! Grand Theft Auto will grace our presence once again on Oct 16th. But what the heck am I supposed to do 'til then? Resistance is starting to loose it's appeal  and my buddy says he "just can't get into Marvel Alliance" ...maybe I'll freeze myself like Cartman in the last episode of South Park that I watched; seems cheeper than building a time machine...but if I do that I'll miss a bunch of episodes of the Office... poop! What am i gonna do? I found these "screen shots" but they're probably bogus... either way they help me dream lol!

And so My world comes crashing to the ground!

As many of you have probably heard; Lisa Nowak, NASA astronaut has been charged with kidnapping and Murder. And with that news the last little piece of my childhood innocence was torn away. Now you might think that's a little mellodramatic but it's the truth. When I was kid Astronauts where, in my eye, the perfection of humanity- The best of the best of the best with the sole noble mission to further humaities understanding of the universe and our place in it. This idealized notion was one of the few that mangaed to surive into my adulthood... but now that too is gone as the nobiltiy and prestige of the title of Astronaut has been tarnished. I guess it just goes to show: we really are ALL crazy.
If you haven't heard about the story you can check it out at:

"Oedipus Loves You" & PanPan theatre

WOW!. I saw the coolest play the other day at the "U" called "Oedipus Loves You". It's was a modern adaptation of the very twisted Greek tragedy of Oedipus. For those who don't know the story here's a really quick overview; 

Oedipus is prophesied by the Oracle of Delphi to kill his father and marry his mother... ew.... well, anyway he hears this and runs away from home in an attempt to prevent this horrbile fate.... but on his journey he comes to a crossroads where he meets a man (King Laius) who demands Oedipus step aside so he can pass but Oedipus (being the son of King Polypus) claims right of way and a fight breaks out with Oedipus killing the man and on he goes... until he comes to Thebes ( a town which is oddly protected by a Sphynx with  an obsession with this ONE riddle- what walks with 4 legs, then two, then three?)... well, Oedipus answers the riddle correctly & the Sphynx kills itself- Everyone rejoices.... For saving Thebes it'sdecided that Oedipus, as reward, should be declaired King beside the recently widowed Queen Jocasta.... So they get married and have kids (Antigone is the only one in the play but they had more). After a while and some hoopla (King Polypus's death) it comes out that Oedipus was really adopted by Polypus who got him from a shepard- who got him from a servant- who got him from King Laius because King laius, who also heard that his son would kill him and marry his mother, ordered that the boy be left for dead in the wild. The servant couldn't do this so he took the boy as far as he could. So apon realizing the truth, Jocasta hangs herself and Oedipus pokes his eyes out...weird huh? well there's ALOT more to the story but that the main stuff..:o

 So back the play I saw which was a spectacular fussion of musical and stage performance using a multitude of different media. I really liked the way the music seemed to set a much faster pace than most plays. The general senario of the story was was brilliantly adapted into a modern era (Antigone plays in an experimental rock band for example) with Oedipus' family reflecting current aspects of society and it's problems. If you want to learn more go to:


A Happy New Year in Limbo

hey everyone who cares! HAPPY NEW YEAR and all that BS! I'm sorry I haven't been around in a very, very long time but schools been nuts so I hope you'll forgive me! I just thought I let everyone know they should run to your local record shop and pick up "Reneissance Ibiza" mixed by Deep Dish; It's a little older now but, by far the best CD I've EVER bought so I suggest y'all check it out.

Good news everyone! (well, for me at least)

i'm now a Phoenix Down so... you know... if any body's HP reach zero.... you let me know!& I'll have them fixed up in a jiffy! lol... or if you have undead things you need to destroy too! i almost fogot about that! WOW- being a Phoenix Down Rocks!..... anyway

I've changed my banner to something I painted and editted- not that it really matters but what does matter is GS has reunited me with a person from my past (like 11 years ago)!!!!! Someone i'm very excited to hear from- cool eh? Ah! the beauty of technology! Also I would like to share that i think I'm finally getting my head around philosophy! which is really cool cause i need it as a prerequisite for another course i want to take (not to mention the fact that it's crutial in the scientific endevour-lol).

this is a little old but it's funny! I was going to upload it now that I can but I decided not to because it has some foul language and some people might find it offensive.... but if you don't find that sort of thing offensive then check this out:

Only read this if you've ever wondered why to anything:

Anyway before i go to bed I'll pose you all a riddle of sorts:

    if there is a certain layer of clouds that can only be seen 38mins after sunset and only for a short period of time; how high are the clouds? it's pretty simple really.....

later y'all

pi 3.14159265........ a movie

Pi: faith in chaos
A film by Darren Aronofski
So I know I've posted about this before but I really love this movie so again... I'm gonna rant about cause I watched it again last night and it kicks ars. It's about a mathematian who spends years of his life analysing the stockmarket because he believes there is a pattern. The only problem is the stockmarket is so complex that the algorthm(fancy word for pattern) he's beginning to find, governs all complex change! So as he teaters on the brink of insanity/geniousness, he also has to deal with a very aggressive Wall Street firm who'll do anything to get his work while a religious sect also chases him because they believe he's found the long lost-true name of God!!! yeah.... it's that crazy.
Obviously not a big budget film but so well done. It's a very "artsy" film shot in high-contrast black & white with an incredible sound track which includes Orbital, & Photek. I love and recommend this movie so much that I owned 3 copies but one I lost (cause I lend it to everyone) and one I donated to the local library. So now i only have one copy.... which means I should probably get a new one :P If I haven't instantly swayed you to run to the video store and see this film you could always check out the link below which goes to the movie web-site.

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