i'm now a Phoenix Down so... you know... if any body's HP reach zero.... you let me know!& I'll have them fixed up in a jiffy! lol... or if you have undead things you need to destroy too! i almost fogot about that! WOW- being a Phoenix Down Rocks!..... anyway
I've changed my banner to something I painted and editted- not that it really matters but what does matter is GS has reunited me with a person from my past (like 11 years ago)!!!!! Someone i'm very excited to hear from- cool eh? Ah! the beauty of technology! Also I would like to share that i think I'm finally getting my head around philosophy! which is really cool cause i need it as a prerequisite for another course i want to take (not to mention the fact that it's crutial in the scientific endevour-lol).
this is a little old but it's funny! I was going to upload it now that I can but I decided not to because it has some foul language and some people might find it offensive.... but if you don't find that sort of thing offensive then check this out:
Only read this if you've ever wondered why to anything:
Anyway before i go to bed I'll pose you all a riddle of sorts:
if there is a certain layer of clouds that can only be seen 38mins after sunset and only for a short period of time; how high are the clouds? it's pretty simple really.....
later y'all