It amazes me how many people out there will buy a game simply for a name or because it is affiliated with something they happen to like. Take 50 Cent's game: a horrible game that has no place on any console, ever, and yet there are people out there that think it is the best game ever made! The only people who like this game are ones that really love 50 Cent and those that like to think of themselves as "gangsta." These "gangsta" people more than likely have never held a gun, or shot a gun, or probably even committed a crime, but they like to hold up an image, and so they buy this game. We need to take a stand. Rise up against bad games. Give them horrible reviews, yes, but do more than that. Send something to the publisher, or the developer telling them how much you hate the game, and how bad it is, but beyond that, give them tips as to what would make the games better. And then, we must go out and buy games that are truly worth our money. Games like Psychonauts. This game is absolutely amazing! It doesn't rely on blood and gore and extreme violence and strong language to be a good game. Now I am not saying that no game should have them, but games should not rely on them. Sure, games can have all of that in them, in fact many of my favorite games do, but they are not my favorites because of those features. They are my favorites because they are really good games. But Psychonauts was a wonderful game that got passed over by so many people. It did not sell well, and because of this, the developer and the publisher don't want to make games like that. It really is a shame to see such talent go to waste because the populace doesn't buy it.
So I say to you: go out and take a chance! Find a game that you have heard good things about, but never really had the time or the chance to play. Buy these games and get their sales up, because unfortunately in this day and age, it is the sales numbers that count more than whether or not a game is good. The companies look at the numbers and games that sell well will get sequels or spin-offs or more games released just like it. The games that don't sell well, regardless of the high reviews, will eventually end up in a bargain bin, collecting dust. We must not let this happen. Rise up! Support good games! Support innovation! And above all, have fun!
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