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dartholit Blog

In Remembrance of my Big brother Matthew

Just to let you all know my life is **** right now. I just moved out of my house and am living with a friend, for about a week and a half, then my big brother Matthew died on Sunday when he was in Russia. So ya I have no idea what I'm going to do now.


My weird computer.

Hey just to let you know my computer has decided to hate gamespot. It takes like 15 minutes to load a page, half the time the page doesn't load. So I got lucky that its letting me on now, so just to let you all know thats why I haven't been on for while. hopefully it will fixs its self.


Second Job. :)

Hey just to let you all know, I got a second job, as most college students I have no money so I needed the job. So I won't be on as much. So to all the unions I'm a member of sorry.


Friends B-Day

twas my friend Amandas birthday on friday. So Me and her and a couple other friends went out to the cinema and had a great time. even tho the movie was crap. (the messengers) most of us got a wee bit tipsy due to the fact that it was her 18th birthday. After the movie we split up and went are separate ways. My friend daniel went back and crashed at my place. so all in all it was good. Oh and I hooked with up with a person. :)

Easter break.

Finally its here a nice two week easter break to rest my baked head cause by mountains of course work. I plan to get completely drunk and stoned for about a week then do some course work for the last couple of days.


Never going to live this down.

Well as you might have guessed from the title, I won't live this down till I leave college. My friend who is doing moving image (film studies) has to make a short film, for part of her course work. And for some strange reason she asked me to be in it. So as any good friend does I agreed, to my peril of course. the scene was being shot in a ladies rest room (that part I had no problem with) till I found out I had to dress up like a girl. :( I had it all; fake boobs, hair tied up in this weird ponytail thing, the dress and had to talk like a lady to. So as you can imagine my friends had quit a go at me. so over all I had a really bad day. hope your guys was better.


Nice bright day.

As if its been snowing or hailing for the past two days now. and to be honest I don't like it. its MARCH for crying out load the sun should be in the sky more. How I miss the heat of the sun on my skin and the touch of grass under my feet. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. oh well course work all day for me :( Dylan.

St Patricks day

Ok as most of you know St Patricks day is when all of Ireland... hell most of Amercia gets dr unk have nice parades etc. I would be going out tomorrow to Derry to get completly drunk with my friends, However my work and family are the biggest party poopers ever. I'm working till 6 tomorrow and then my parents come home from a long holiday and want to spend the evening with me :( where we'll drink a total of a pint of Gunies each.
well have a nice St Paddys day.

First Blog

As the title states this is my first blog. So I guess I'll say something useful I'm a moderator on my friends new multi-game clan website: http://etherealclerics.xippy.co.uk/ feel free to check us out. My user name is Dartholit as always.
PS. Its only a new site so its not prefect.