darthzew / Member

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Gears of War 2... What should it be like?

How you doin'?

This post is exclusively about your thoughts, concerns, or general ideas of what you want Gears ofWar 2 to be. Just saying Gears of War 2 makes me drool.

My wants (some are NEEDS):

1. I want new characters!I like that there were only four on the squad, it makes sense, but it's time for new ones. Marcus Fenix and The Train deserve to live, but it's time for Dom and Baird to go bye-bye. They should be replaced by less annoying more characterized characters. I was thinking somebody like Lynch in Kane and Lynch. You know, totally crazy but insane at what he does. The other could be anything... maybe even Dom, just as long as Baird dies... he annoyed the crap out of me!

2. Weapons, weapons, and more weapons. Basically, there's potential for some cool weapons. Like, what about something that can go through walls? I had a thought, what about some kinda Carbine? The COG Carbine. It'd have a chainsaw bayonet on it, and it would perform like a minilancer. It'd be more powerful, but less ammo, and it'd be very inaccurate, meaning it could destroy completely at medium-close range. Then if that locust son of a gun got in close, you could chainsaw him. What about some kinda grenade launcher? Last idea could bea sword, I guess, but it'd be a little pointless.

3. PLOT!!! Normally I'd beg for a prequel, but I think that's what the movie'll do. Anyway... Yeah, there should be a more extensive plot, this time revolving around the Locust Queen. For instance, the Locust have somehow come back and now they've discovered how to reach whatever the name is of that one safe place is on Sera. Basically, all I could ask for is an actual plot this time around.

4. Gameplay tweaks! Maybe some kind of improved hand-to-hand combat system the involved the ability to block melees, or mabye even some kind of "saber-lock" thing where you'd have to push buttons around to outpower your enemies. They could also make some cool new animations.

That's all I can think of now. What do you think?

Game on!

Darth Zew