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I hate pirates (not the "ARR!!!" kind, the stupid kind)

Hi, I'm not in a good mood. If you want something glumly angry, then this is for you. Enjoy.

Anyway, I hate pirates. No, not the awesome eye-patch mooks, but the kind that make and buy fake video games, movies, and even medicine.

I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil. *If you are a moron, then please read the section that is marked with these *** if not, then continue to read this*.

*******I live in the rainforest where I have to go to school by cannoe. But to get to the cannoe, I have to run because I might get eaten by a lion on a way there, oh yeah, and there's snakes and viscious monkeys. The Amazon is a nice place, but you can't really ever have time to look at the scenery because there are alligators and wild native cannibals that might want to grab a snack. I myself am pretty defended because I'm real good with a Bo Staff and after getting hit many times I'm immune to all but the most advanced poisons the natives use.********

Sao Paulo is the second largest city in the world (to know what that looks like, use Google Earth or play GRAW and watch the end credits, it looks like that). There are somewhere between 23-40 million people, quite a few people make counts, but they vary between those statistics.

Now, in this city is a placed Vinte-Cinco (meaning twenty-five). Vinte-Cinco is ridden with pirates and falsificadores (falsifiers) of all breeds and varieties. The place is a huge market where you can buy fake watches, sunglasses, designerclothing, action figures, laser pointers, cleaning products, medicine, movies, and almost anything you'd need fakes of. But the one I absolutely hate the most is fake video games.

Any game that operates with a disc is welcome to be purchased falsetto (false). First,you have to get your system destravado (or unlocked, roughly). Basically they remove some compents in the system and then you can use fake games. This costs usually around 100 reais, or 50 dollars. It usually happens overnight and then you can buy all kinds of fake games for just a few dollars.

I havea friend who did this to his 360. He buys falsetto games all the time! He'll buy them and then go around boasting about having all these games. I hate that. But what I hate more, is that people who do this can't accept the moral consequences and are impossible to argue with. I tell him that I'm doing the right thing, that he's wrong but there is no reason. He has games and doesn't pay much for them. I've tried telling him that it's only right that you give back to the developers, but that never works because they already make enough money.

Here's the kicker, for me anyway. I have more games than he does and it will probably stay that way. Why? Well, the first and foremost thing that I believe is that God has blessed for standing for what's right. The other, is, well for other reasons that are more obvious.

If you buy pirate games, then I've just lost all respect for you as a gamer. If you don't, pat yourself on the back and go enjoy a clean consciense.

*another moron section*

********Did you know that there's no internet in Brazil?!?*******

D. Zew