darthzew / Member

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Life Achievements: The Aiport

Let's say that Microsoft has finally answered the wild dreams of fanboys around the world and unveiled Life Achievement Points. It would be awesome. Anyway, this post is going to cover a majority of the points of available to you in the airport.

Bought a Ticket - 5 points - You have bought your first airplane ticket!

Bought an International Ticket - 5 points - You have bought an international ticket! Bon Voyage!

Auto-Check - 5 points - You used an automatic check-in desk!

No More Auto-Check - 30 points - You destroyed an automatic check-in desk! Vandal!

Gun - 10 points - Brought a gun into the airport

Gun! - 10 points - Showed your gun to somebody in the airport

GUN! - 50 points - Shot somebody in the airport

(gun) - 30 points - Snuck your gun past security... shhhh...

Jihad - 100 points - If security asks you what's in your bag, you tell them: "Bombs! HAHA!!! JIHAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!"

False Alarm - 15 points - You announce the presence of a bomb in the airport.

Super False Alarm - 20 points - You point at somebody's MP3 player, shout "BOMB!" and then dive away.

Souvenir - 0 points - You wasted your money on a stupid souvenir in the airport. Idiot.

Failed - 5 points - You set off a metal detector

Sexiness - 30 points - The woman/man using the wand at the security desk commented on your good looks or excessively touched your rear-end.

Take a Ride! - 20 points - You jumped on the baggage conveyor belt and went for a complete spin. Wheeeeeeeeee!

STOP! - 10 points - You, for no reason, pushed the "Emergency Stop" button on the baggage conveyor belt.

$10 - 10 points - You made ten dollars returning carts to the baggage cart holder

$100 - 20 points - You made one hundred dollars returning carts to the baggage cart holder

$1000 - 40 points - You made one thousand dollars returning carts to the baggage cart holder

Millionaire! - 1000 points - You became a millionaire off of only returning carts to the baggage cart holder

Sucker - 0 points - You actually PAID to use a baggage cart

No Touching! - 20 points -You touched a security guard's gun

Charmer - 10 points - You successfully charmed your way into getting into first cIass without paying anything extra.

Overweight! - 5 points - Checked in an overweight bag.

Free Ride - 100 points - Successfully snuck into somebody's bag, got checked in, and made it to your destination... for free.

Tarmac Run - 100 points - Lasted more than one minute streaking on the tarmac.

Fake Reported - 10 points - You reported a random Arab man as a terrorist

Real Reported - 20 points - You reported an actual terrorist

No Jihad - 50 points - You beat the terrorist yourself

My Jihad - 50 points - Volunteered to perform the terrorist act yourself

Ignored! - 10 points - Overheard plans for a terrorist attack but decided to do nothing

All Aboard - 5 points - Successfully boarded an airplane

Insane Gamer - 10 points - Ran around acting like a character in your favorite game. Assassins Creed?

No Parking - 10 points - Park your car at the Dropping/Loading Only section. Leave it.

My Name is Osama - 30 points - Grow a beard and if a security guard or airport personnel ask your name reply: "Osama Bin Laden"

Weed - 10 points - Smoke weed in the smoking lounge

Imposter - 15 points - Enter the VIP lounge uninvited and when the employee asks for your ticket respond, "you mean... You don't know who I am?!?!"

That's all for today folks! Hope you enjoyed it!