dasher87 / Member

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dasher87 Blog

last day of spring break :cry:

damn!! i was having such a good time, all the relaxing and what not. i cant wait till summer, then i start my job back again and get some money $. how much is in your bank account right now? an estimate will do. i have about $330.00

Why is my journal dead?

look down at my last few topics, they are interesting, fasinating, and above all freaking sweet! so why the lack of posts? not even a courtisy post. jees, i might as well st0p using this feature

My scorpions died last night.

:cry:, i really liked them, Biohazard was friendly, i could pick him up, but Hazmat was mean and would kill me if i would grab him... at least i think he was a him, it was hard to tell.

The weeding process has begun. ( sorry!)

starting yesterday, i have begun to delete all of my frineds if they dont have a journal. if your reading this then dont worry your safe from my wrath, but all of the 170 some people who dont have journal are going by-by.

How do you relax?


I ilke to be alone, and watch a movie of mine or watch some good tv. sometimes running helps to clear my mind.

I got my Sai today !!

sai are the weapons that one of the ninja turtles used. they are like a knife but they have two small blades that jet out from the longer center blade. they will make a fine collection to my knife colletion. what are your collections?