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A forum response I'm bound to get flagged for.

The topic was Micro**** is finally covering for the e74 error. A lot of people were saying Sony suck Microsoft sucks and I pretty much said the best forum response ever. I'll get flagged for it so I want to keep it in my blog to cherish the it is. Xbot were trashing probably game of the year God of war 3 so I said a mouthful. Wow I had an E74 and it cost me $100 to fix it. I better get my check. This system is as the British would say rubbish. BTW God of war 2 actually keeping me from playing Killzone 2, SF4, and RE5. Xbots it's that good so when you trash a game, game system whatever, make sure you actually experience the product. The only reason you diss GOW3 is because you wish that you can play it. There are way too many people that say this sucks, or that sucks, for the sake of saying that sucks. I will tell you why the xbox 360 is an overrated piece of garbage. First off 68 percent hardware failure rate should be more then enough to knock most sensible people in the head. Now through my own experience. I went through 6 RROD in the three years I owned it. The first one happened within the first 2 weeks I had it. After totally having a controller sync problem the day after I received my fifth RROD was being over the system. I traded mine for a Ps2 because I didn't want deal with annoying calls to MS. I'm happy with the ps2 because I'm using it for the awesome old titles that I can get for $10. The Ps3 rocks because it survived the first 6 months without one single problem and it is as every bit as good as the 360 if not better. Yes I said it better. The 360, as good as the games are, is not worth buying. The only 2 things I will miss are the MS exclusives and Xbox live and that is it. No noisy fan that I have to check to see if it's getting to hot. No paranoid feeling with the RROD, freezes, e74, disk scratches with a ring around the disk, not to mention cracks, And whatever other problem I haven't mentioned. So Xbots stop drinking BIll Gate's Red Ring of Cherry Death Kool Aid which is kind of yummy at first. But I got over its bitter after taste and realized that it absolutely SUCKS. Now that is how you how you complain.

I'm trading my 360. Am I out of my mind?

Now that I have the PS3, I can proudly say that I'm happier then anticipated. But when I bought the system I noticed myself playing the ps3 more then the 360 and I bought Gears 2 and fable 2. And having Metal gear solid 4 and Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank will to that to a person. After sending that piece of **** to Microsoft 6 times in a 3 year period, three times last year, I'm really over the system altogether. I didn't care if the xbox live has in my estimation better then Playstation's online features. I just didn't want to deal with the arduous and all to common task of calling Microsoft customer service and sending the 360 for repair. Yeah I saw the video on youtube on how to fix the problem but I not the most adept person with electronics so I'd probably end up breaking the system permanently. That is not an option, for me anyway. Now I'm trading the system tomorrow and my only regret is that I won't play the exclusives from Microsoft and that's it. I shouldn't have to worry if my 360 will crap out. Of all the systems I owned if the 25+ years of gaming the 360 is the only system in which I needed multiple repairs for. And that is a crock. So as of now I support only Sony. Because I sure as hell not going to buy a wii. To me the wii is nothing more then a gamecube with a fancy controller. So I feel that I made the right choice. Well three days have passed and I finally got the Microsoft monkey of my back for good. So what did I trade and what did I get in return? First off I didn't go to gamestop because they give you $75 for it. Instead I went to a place called Play n Trade. Its a new chain and they actually let you try out games before you buy them which is awesome. I gave them My 20 gig system, which I got for $100 12 games they wouldn't except my camera cod4, halo 2,and other games because they had a lot in stock. I managed to get enough money for a used PS2 which I was able to cut $40 off their price because they price match. In addition to god of wars 1&2 I made preorders for street fighter 4 and Re5. I had a lot left that they wouldn't except so I when to lunch in a place called Pacific Whey. When I pulled out I notice a little dinky place called Game on. I decided to try it out and I was able to unload the rest of my trade ins. Now this place take the whole try before you buy thing to a whole new level. They actually let you rent before you buy. Also with credit from themI had left I bought GT prologue and the did the coolest thing they special ordered the metal gear essential collection direct from Ebay am I'm getting that Tuesday. I also rented Ninja Gaiden sigma and bought that after my rental. I also manged to get rid of my HD dvd player for credit but I'm keeping my movies and getting a cheep HD DVD from Amazon. So overall I had a great trade in for once in my life and I was smart on what I got. So when you trade your stuff in, try to avoid gamestop and look for these private businesses because they are out there and you get a lot more with your trade in.

It's official I'm over the 360. I'm getting a PS3

The following blog isn't for Microsoft Fanboys at all.I wouldn't say that I am a MS fanboy, I'm a fan of video games despite the platform. Most of the games I have are on the PS3 anyways. The list includes COD 4, Burnout paradise, NHL08 the orange box,and GTA 4. I got the RROD for the 4th ****ing time. And here the deal, I feel that I have to buy a ps3, so that the next I get the RROD, at least I have something to play while I send the next system to Microsoft. Plus, what truly pisses me off is the I got suckered into buying the HDDVD player. Yeah, we know how that turned out, I don't need to be told that I ****ed up there. Of all the systems I owned , the 360 as good as the game are, the reliability of the system ****ing sucks. The system runs hot as hell, the disks crack, and not to mention the Red Ring of Death which is notorious in the gaming community. Let me tell you a little something about the origin of the red ring of death.And do you ever wonder how it began in the first place? I'll tell you. the truth is that I was actually one the first ones to really use the term red ring of death in a forum post. Here's the deal, I have a dark personality, and for me, three flashing red lights sounded gay as hell. Anyways I bought the 360 about 3 months after launch, and two weeks after buying the SOB, I got the three flashing red lights. I got frustrated so I went to the forums on game spot, to vent my frustration. Up to that point, virtually no one used the term red ring of death, they always said "three flashing red lights". So since the system pretty much died on me, and the three flashing red lights symbolized system malfunction. It just came to me "red ring of death". Why red ring of death? It sounds more infamous and it is something to be feared if you have a 360. I am a huge slayer fan, and one of my favorite songs by them is "Angel of Death" which is about a Nazi doctor, Joesph Mengele was also known as "the Angel of Death" it the darkest song that I ever heard. You can look this up on Wikipedia if you want to. I'm not comparing the red ring of death to a Nazi Doctor at all, it's just what the song is about. Red Ring of death just sounds infamous, dark, and when you get it, you feel like ****. Not to mention it sounds rhythmically similar to Angel of Death. At first it was just a goof describing the my system malfunction. Little did I know, this stupid post would spread like a wild fire. For all I know someone saw my post and got the RROD themselves, and used it themselves in their post. For Christ sake we as 360 owners are playing a ticking time bomb. Oh yeah, this time I have to pay a $100 fee to repair the bastard, because the system is out of warranty, which was three years. So it'll be a while before I send it to Microsoft. But here is what truly pisses me off. Microsoft is a conglomerate worth at least $100,000,000,000, so they have the resources available to stop these hardware failures to stop the RROF death from ever happening. Here is my impression of what board meeting from Microsoft 360 may have sounded prior to the release of the 360. "Dude this system rocks this system is truly ahead of its time. Imagine what awesome games we can make with the 360". The RROD happens during the board meeting. " WTF is this BS? What a very cool yet unreliable POS system this is. Oh well I'm over it already. Lets release it to the public and have the malfunctions in a bunch of console so that scare the gaming community to no end." The last bit is humorous but true. Even a person with average intelligence would not release a system that is as flawed as the 360 was at that point. If I was a higher up a Microsoft, I would get a team of the best tech geeks and make the system better and stop these malfunctions. ss likely to crap out. It is beyond my comprehension how inept, yet rich as hell these people at Microsoft are.Is to the point where they're greed is to the point where they don't think about the consumer's satisfaction, all they want is money, money, and more money and they virtually have a ****load of money of money to begin with. The forth RROD was the breaking point.and how the hell do I get four ****ing systems that got the RROD And now I'm at the point in which I want a PS3 just because hardware malfunctions aren't as prevalent as the 360. If anyone. I never heard of problems with hardware malfunctions with the ps3.I'm sure systems have failed, but at least it isn't as notorious as the 360. Oh yeah I a have chronic migraines so as I'm writing this

Stock at tecmo take a nosedive after Itagaki resigns.

. I'm wirting this after I learning that tecmo stocks dropped after Tomanobo Itagaki resigned after suing tecmo for 148 million yen. You know what It serves them right. Itagaki Is an elite Producer of masterpieces IMO. Sure he's a bit off, controversial an can be downright shocking at times. But you as a higher up in Tecmo do not under any circumstances treat the face of an elite game studio like an expendable commodity when in reality he gives the higher ups in the company their supposed well deserved wealthy paycheck. Japanese are known for their honer I should know about this first hand. My sister in law is Japanese and fresh off the boat, is in a way cut off from her family because she married a round eye. In their eyes she tainted her honer in marrying a man with who is not akin to their culture. The previous statement has nothing to do with games , but it is pertinent to the how important honer is to the Japanese. So screwing over Itagki out of money tells me that these parasites not only have no honor, but no backbone or integrity. And I wouldn't be at all surprised it this is the reason why the stock for Tecmo took the nose dive that it did. And not only is this ironic but it poetic justice that company took this nosedive after Ninja Gaiden 2 was released. Itgaki given his long tenure deserved much better.

Don't trust anyone on your friendslist.

Two days ago I had my gamertag jacked. Not by some hacker but by someone on my friendslist. How you may ask. He said he wanted to boost his gamerscore with my help. In return he would give microsoft points. Anyway I was stupid. Oh And this wasn't some a-hole who I didn't know. He was my cousin's friend who I played with numerous occasions. So despite the fact that I was gullible in believing his BS it doesn't change the fact that people will ****ing rob you blind if you give them the chance. So enclosing don't boost your gamerscore with anyone because in the end people will **** you over. So the old gamertag which is my account name on gamespot who I still hold dear is canceled and is now an offline account. With the help of microsoft I will gain the time I had left on my old account and it will be canceled. In its place Hoser666 will be my new identity while its clever it will take a while to get used to. What really sucks is that I have to regain my 11,000+ Gamerscore points all over again.