The following blog isn't for Microsoft Fanboys at all.I wouldn't say that I am a MS fanboy, I'm a fan of video games despite the platform. Most of the games I have are on the PS3 anyways. The list includes COD 4, Burnout paradise, NHL08 the orange box,and GTA 4. I got the RROD for the 4th ****ing time. And here the deal, I feel that I have to buy a ps3, so that the next I get the RROD, at least I have something to play while I send the next system to Microsoft. Plus, what truly pisses me off is the I got suckered into buying the HDDVD player. Yeah, we know how that turned out, I don't need to be told that I ****ed up there. Of all the systems I owned , the 360 as good as the game are, the reliability of the system ****ing sucks. The system runs hot as hell, the disks crack, and not to mention the Red Ring of Death which is notorious in the gaming community. Let me tell you a little something about the origin of the red ring of death.And do you ever wonder how it began in the first place? I'll tell you. the truth is that I was actually one the first ones to really use the term red ring of death in a forum post. Here's the deal, I have a dark personality, and for me, three flashing red lights sounded gay as hell. Anyways I bought the 360 about 3 months after launch, and two weeks after buying the SOB, I got the three flashing red lights. I got frustrated so I went to the forums on game spot, to vent my frustration. Up to that point, virtually no one used the term red ring of death, they always said "three flashing red lights". So since the system pretty much died on me, and the three flashing red lights symbolized system malfunction. It just came to me "red ring of death". Why red ring of death? It sounds more infamous and it is something to be feared if you have a 360. I am a huge slayer fan, and one of my favorite songs by them is "Angel of Death" which is about a Nazi doctor, Joesph Mengele was also known as "the Angel of Death" it the darkest song that I ever heard. You can look this up on Wikipedia if you want to. I'm not comparing the red ring of death to a Nazi Doctor at all, it's just what the song is about. Red Ring of death just sounds infamous, dark, and when you get it, you feel like ****. Not to mention it sounds rhythmically similar to Angel of Death. At first it was just a goof describing the my system malfunction. Little did I know, this stupid post would spread like a wild fire. For all I know someone saw my post and got the RROD themselves, and used it themselves in their post. For Christ sake we as 360 owners are playing a ticking time bomb. Oh yeah, this time I have to pay a $100 fee to repair the bastard, because the system is out of warranty, which was three years. So it'll be a while before I send it to Microsoft. But here is what truly pisses me off. Microsoft is a conglomerate worth at least $100,000,000,000, so they have the resources available to stop these hardware failures to stop the RROF death from ever happening. Here is my impression of what board meeting from Microsoft 360 may have sounded prior to the release of the 360. "Dude this system rocks this system is truly ahead of its time. Imagine what awesome games we can make with the 360". The RROD happens during the board meeting. " WTF is this BS? What a very cool yet unreliable POS system this is. Oh well I'm over it already. Lets release it to the public and have the malfunctions in a bunch of console so that scare the gaming community to no end." The last bit is humorous but true. Even a person with average intelligence would not release a system that is as flawed as the 360 was at that point. If I was a higher up a Microsoft, I would get a team of the best tech geeks and make the system better and stop these malfunctions. ss likely to crap out. It is beyond my comprehension how inept, yet rich as hell these people at Microsoft are.Is to the point where they're greed is to the point where they don't think about the consumer's satisfaction, all they want is money, money, and more money and they virtually have a ****load of money of money to begin with. The forth RROD was the breaking point.and how the hell do I get four ****ing systems that got the RROD And now I'm at the point in which I want a PS3 just because hardware malfunctions aren't as prevalent as the 360. If anyone. I never heard of problems with hardware malfunctions with the ps3.I'm sure systems have failed, but at least it isn't as notorious as the 360. Oh yeah I a have chronic migraines so as I'm writing this
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