Whether you are looking for a handheld video game system such as the PSP or Nintendo DS or a full console such as the Wii or Playstation 3, these tips will help you get the video game console of your dreams for less money. You can often get great deals on video game consoles by shopping online for them. If you are looking for a used or older video game system, check out sites such as Craigslist and E-bay. Many people selling old systems will include everything they have for that system including controllers, memory cards, add-ons, and even any games they might have. Don't buy old systems such as Sega Genesis in stores as you'll pay more for less. Instead look for private sellers looking to get rid of their entire system and all the games and accessories they have for it. As for newer consoles, look for sales at retail store sites or online only prices that may be cheaper than in store prices. Just like many private sellers will sell old systems with everything included, many stores will sell new systems with added bonuses. You can save money by buying bundled packages which may include controllers, a new release game, or a memory card. Sometimes they may also include discounts with the purchase for your next video game purchase. Look online to see what the going rate is for the system you want to sell. If it is better than trade-in value, sell online for a good price. Otherwise take your old system and everything that works with it to your local video game store. Most stores will give you a store credit or even cash for your old games and systems. If you are bringing in the last generation of a system (such as Playstation 2) you may be able to apply that trade-in to a discounted purchased of the latest generation system (such as Playstation 3). If you are looking for a classic console or older generation console you'll want to check out local yard sales, flea markets, and garage sales. Also don't forget about pawn shops as they can sometimes have new systems for a great deal. Consider these tips and ideas when shopping around for a new or used video game console system. You'll often end up with a great deal on the system you want. You'll even discover bundled package deals that give you extra controllers, games, and other accessories with your console purchase.
About Author: Datatrond is a happy guy living in Norway. He is 29 years old and is at the moment writing make money online and rullestillas articles and play games. Visit his blog at http://www.moneyonline.net