Here are the games I've thoroughly enjoyed and reak of hawtness:
# 10 - Sonic Battle
This brawler was one of the few Sonic games I enjoyed, it offered a fun expierence worthy of anyone who owns a gaming machine capable of playing GBA games.
#9 - We Love Katamari
If you've ever played this game, congratulations. I've never had much more satisfaction than rolling up a pirate into a ball and knowing that he would be shot into cold, deadly, vacuum of space.
#8 - Bloody Roar II
Definitely the best fighting game I've ever played, not only is it satisfying to knock your opponent into a bloody mess of combo-fodder, but it is also a cool effect seeing all of your attacks glow as you shed him into nothing.
#7 - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Nothing better describes this game than this visual: You run up worthless excuse for a fighter's stomach and land behind his back. From there you (A) Take his own sword and cut his head off. (B) Throw him off of a cliff (C) Jump from him to another enemy and repeat.
#6 - Might Morphin' Power Rangers - The Movie
Shut up, you know you've never played this game, and you know you want to. Do it.
#5 - Killzone
The melee sequences in this game are awesome, just like beating a guy senseless with the edge of your rifle before throwing him against the wall, as well as the satisfaction brought by capping a cyborgy-thingy in the head with a burst-fire pistol.
#4 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
The single player mode is awesome, the online mode is a different type of awesome. Get this game if you have a PS2/ PS3. NOW.
#3 - Ape Escape
I love beating smart monkeys with a glowing nightstick then capturing them with a glowing net. This game reins my favorite classic game of all time.
#2 - Elite Beat Agents
A secret government agency who dances people's problems away while still managing to keep its agents' tuxedos clean and spiffy. HAWT.
#1 - Resistance: Fall of Man
I've never played a more satisfying shooter. Every enemy, except for the Leapers and Rollers, ooze satisfaction. Ecspecially the hyperactive little freaks known as Slipskulls. And by the way, hyperactive little freak is a term of endearment, I love those guys.